Strength Pokemon BDSP - How to Get Strength Hidden Move
Knowing how to get the Strength hidden move in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl is necessary if you want to access certain parts of the game, such as the Wayward Cave. As is the case with all other hidden moves in the game, it requires you to find it in the wild and then defeat a specific gym leader in order to be able to use it. In our Strength Pokemon BDSP – How to Get Strength Hidden Move guide, we’ll cover both of these points.

How to Get Strength – Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Hidden Move
To get the Strength hidden move in Pokemon BDSP or Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, the first step to take is to play the game until you reach Canalave City. Defeat the sixth gym leader, Byron, and earn the Mine Badge. That lets you use the Strength move once you acquire it. While we’re on the subject, you can get the move first, if you want to, but you’ll still have to beat Byron before you can actually use it. That brings us to our next point, which is where to find the actual move.
First of, head to Solaceon Town. Once there, go south, and as soon as you get onto Route 209, look to the east, aka to the right of the screen. You’ll see a tower rising sharply into the sky. Head inside that tower. There are a number of different trainers in there, and you have to beat them all to get the Strength hidden move in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl or BDSP. Once you reach the top of the tower, talk to the two NPCs. You will learn a little more about the history of the tower and unlock Strength as a reward for your troubles.
So, that’s how you get the Pokemon BDSP Strength hidden move. If you need any more help, check out our video below. Also, if you’re having trouble with something else in the game, take a look at some of our other guides, like How to Unlock Trophy Garden, How to Get National Dex, and How to Get Riolu Egg.