Ramanas Park Slates Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Ramanas Park Slates in Pokemon BDSP are special items that you can use in the park in order to spawn different Legendary Pokemon that aren’t native to the Sinnoh region. Basically, it works the same as Pal Park did in the original Diamond and Pearl games. If you’ve played those, you’ll be familiar with how Ramanas works. If not, well, we’ll show you how to unlock Ramanas Park and how the Slates work in our Ramanas Park Slates Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl guide.

How to Unlock Ramanas Park in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
To unlock Ramanas Park in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl or BDSP, you first need to beat the Elite Four. The next step is to discover and see each and every one of the 150 Sinnoh Pokemon in the game to get the National Dex. The next step is to go back to Rowan’s lab in Sandgem Town and talk to the professor. A special guest is going to arrive, aka professor Oak, and he will upgrade your Pokedex to the National Dex. More importantly for our goals here, Oak will tell you about Ramanas Park at the end of Route 221. So, head over there and see what there is to be seen. Not that you’ll see much without the Slates, which brings us to our next point.
Ramanas Park Slates in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Ramanas Park Slates in Pokemon BDSP or Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl are items that you get by mining Mysterious Shards and exchanging them for the Slates at the reception area of Ramnas Park. You then place these items in the empty slots in the park center, and that’s what’ll transport you into different rooms in which different non-Sinnoh Legendary Pokemon spawn. The problem is that you can’t get all these Pokemon if you own just one version of the game. Here’s a list of Slates that are currently in the games, which game they’re in, and which Pokemon they unlock.
- Discovery Slate – Regirock, Regice, Registeel
- Distortion Slate – Giratina
- Genome Slate – Mewtwo
- Oceanic Slate – Kyogre
- Stratospheric Slate – Rayquaza
- Tectonic Slate – Groudon
- Kanto Slate – Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres (Shining Pearl only)
- Johto Slate – Raikou, Suicune, Entei (Brilliant Diamond only)
- Rainbow Slate – Ho-Oh (Brilliant Diamond only)
- Squall Slate – Lugia (Shining Pearl only)