Ralts Pokemon BDSP - How to Get Ralts
Ralts in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is a Psychic/Fairy Pokemon, and some of you will be wondering where to find it and how to catch it. Well, as it turns out, it seems that Ralts appears in only one room in the Grand Underground, and making it spawn can be a tedious process. In our Ralts Pokemon BDSP – How to Get Ralts guide, we’ll show you where that room is and how you can increase your odds of making a Ralts appear.

How To Get Ralts In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
To get Ralts in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl or BDSP, you need to go into Fountainspring Cave and see whether it’s there or not. If it isn’t, just step outside of the room and go back in. Every time you do that, the Pokemon walking around reset, and a Ralts might spawn. Rinse and repeat until one appears. I know, it’s very annoying to keep doing this, but that’s the nature of the beast. It won’t be the only Pokemon you’ll have to do this for; Togepi and Murkrow are pretty similar, for example.
There is one thing that you can do to speed the process up a little bit, and that’s to place a Psychic statue in your Secret Base. If you don’t know what that is, check out our How to Make Secret Base in Grand Underground guide. When it comes to how to catch Ralts in Pokemon BDSP or Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, this will speed the process up at least a little. Basically, having a statue of a certain type of Pokemon placed boosts your chances of that type of Pokemon spawn in one of the underground Pokemon rooms, such as Fountainspring Cave.
So, that’s where to find Ralts in Pokemon BDSP and how to catch it. If you need more help with this game, feel free to peruse our expanding list of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl guides. I think you’re gonna find some of them really useful.
Ralts appears in more than just that room. As an FYI to the goomba who wrote this article.