Quagsire Weakness Bertha Elite Four Pokemon BDSP
Knowing the Pokemon BDSP Bertha Elite Four Quagsire weakness or Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can help you defeat it very quickly and proceed to the next step of the battle. The fight against Bertha is pretty difficult in general, so being able to get over the first hurdle as quickly as possible is gonna be very advantageous. So, without further ado, here’s how to beat Quagsire the fastest.

Quagsire Weakness Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Bertha Elite Four
The weakness of Quagsire in the Bertha Elite Four battle in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl or BDSP is Grass. Quagsire is a Ground / Water type Pokemon, meaning that it is immune to Electric attack and fairly resistant to Ground, Steel, Fire, Poison, and Rock attacks. On the other hand, it is weaker against Bug and Dragon attacks, but your absolute best weapon against it is a Grass-type Pokemon. For example, we used Roselia against it and one-shot the Quagsire with the Giga Drain attack. Whatever Grass type you have on your team should be more than enough to crush Bertha’s Quagsire and proceed to the next step of the battle. Mind you, this is the easiest step of the fight, and it’s about to get way uglier, but at least you can delete Quagsire no problem.
So, that’s the weakness of Quagsire in Pokemon BDSP or Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in the Bertha Elite Four fight. Just break out whatever Grass-type Pokemon you have, and you’ll be just fine. Even if you don’t have a super-powerful one, it’ll still do better than any other. And, well, that about wraps it up. If you need further help with the game, check out our other Pokemon BSPD guides. Among other articles, we’ve written stuff like How to Get Regice, Regirock and Registeel, How to Get Tentacool & Evolve Into Tentacruel, and How to Get Dratini, Dragonair & Evolve Into Dragonite.