How to Get Magby, Magmar & Evolve Into Magmortar - Pokemon BDSP
How to get Magby and evolve it into Magmar & Magmortar takes some work in Pokemon BDSP. This is because you need a special item to do it, known as the Magmarizer. You may also have to complete a trade while holding the item. As it is so hard to get, you have some work to do. Read on as we tell you how to find a Magby and evolve it into Magmar and Magmortar in Pokemon BDSP.

Where to find Magby – Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
First of all, Magby is exclusive to Shining Pearl. You won’t be able to find it if you have Brilliant Diamond. Instead, you will have to trade with someone who has the sister title.
Magby only lives in the Grand Underground. There are three hideaways in here you can locate them. These are Volcanic Cave, Sandsear Cave, and Typho Cave. If they don’t appear, leave the hideaway and return immediately.
Magmar Evolution – How to Evolve Magby into Magmar Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The lineage of Magby is not an easy one. To evolve, not only do you have to reach a specific level but you also have to trade, while holding a rare item. This item is the Magmarizer. Give your Magby the Magmarizer, then et it to level 30. This will turn it into Magmar.
The hardest part is getting the Magmarizer itself. They are usually held by Magby Pokemon. However, there is only a 5% chance each Magby will have one. Click here to read our guide on how to get your hands on a Magmarizer.
How to Evolve Magmar into Magmortar Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Evolving Magmar into Magmortar works by trading with a friend. You need to get your hands on a Magmarizer. When you have done this, hand it to your Magmar and initiate a trade. This will evolve it into Magmortar. The friend then has to send it back to you.