How to Get to Solaceon Ruins Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
If you need to know how to get to Solaceon Ruins in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you’ve come to the right place. The path to Solaceon Ruins is not the most difficult thing to find, but if you’re not carefully combing through the game, you might easily miss it. This is a problem, because you need to explore Solaceon Ruins in order to get the different types of Unown. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you out on this journey.

How to Get to Solaceon Ruins in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
To get to Solaceon Ruins in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the first order of business is to get to Solaceon Town. Once you’re there, you can get on your bike, but it’s not necessary, especially considering how wonky those controls can be. Anyways, head north towards Route 210, but don’t get on it. Instead, head behind the last house on the right and keep going right into the trees. Keep going right until you hit the dead end.
From there, head down. Hop across the two ledges and walk all along the side of the mountain. Then, jump down one more ledge and then go right, between the trees. The gap is nigh-invisible, but it is there. You will find yourself at a cave entrance, which is the entrance to the Ruins. That’s how to get to Solaceon Ruins in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Just don’t hop over the fourth ledge in a row, or you’ll have to go through the whole “maze” over again. That’s not the worst fate in the world, but it is incredibly annoying.
One of the most important aspects of Solaceon Ruins is that its the home of Unown. There are many different types that you can catch, and you’ll actually need to get all twenty-six of them for the Maniac Ruin digger. So, be ready to spend a fair amount of time exploring the tunnels of Solaceon Ruins. I wish you the absolute best of luck.