Get Shiny Chimchar in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
To get a Shiny Chimchar in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl or BDSP, you kinda have to exploit the game a little bit. It’s not a difficult process, but it is extremely tedious, and you’ll still need a bit of luck along with perseverance. That said, let’s get into it.

How to Get Shiny Chimchar in Pokemon BDSP
To get a Shiny Chimchar in Pokemon BDSP aka Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you’ll want to start the game from the beginning and basically game the system a little. We lay the whole thing out in our Pokemon BDSP How to Get Shiny Starter guide, but we’ll give you a quick explanation here, too. Just keep in mind that the same system works if you want to get a shiny Piplup or Turtwig. Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get into the meat of the matter.
So, start up a new game and go into the options. Turn off autosave and switch the speed of the text to fast. Both of these are important time-savers. With that done, play through the game until you meet your friend Barry at the exit from Twinleaf Town. He tells you to go over to the lake, which is to the left of the place where you found him. Now, to get a shiny Chimchar in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl or BDSP, inch over to the edge of the forest, but don’t go inside. Stop on the little patch of barren ground where the treeline begins. Save your game manually.
When the cutscene begins, just skip through the whole thing until the Starly ambush you. When you open the briefcase, select the Pokeball with Chimchar. Your character will then automatically get into a fight with the Starly. When you throw out your Chimcar, you’ll see whether it’s shiny or not. If it isn’t, reload the save you made at the edge of the forest and repeat the process as many times as necessary. May the gods of RNG smile upon you.