Get National Dex Pokemon BDSP - How to See Dialga, Palkia
To get the National Dex in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl you have to see Dialga and Palkia in order to see all 150 Pokemon from Sinnoh. This is greatly complicated by the fact that Diagla and Palkia are exclusive to Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl respectively. So, how do you pull this off? Do you have to trade or something? Fortunately, no, you don’t. There’s a much easier method, and we’ll show it to you in our Get National Dex Pokemon BDSP – How to See Dialga, Palkia guide.

How to Get National Dex Pokemon – See Dialga and Palkia in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
To get the National Dex in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl or BDSP, you need to see all 150 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region including Dialga and Palkia. Okay, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. The first step is actually to beat the main story of the game, aka become the Champion. After that, you need to see all 150 Pokemon that appear in the Sinnoh Region. That doesn’t mean you have to catch them all, just see them in the wild or in battles. Some of them are kinda tricky, like Drifloon, but you’ll likely see all but one if you comb through the game with any care.
Now, most of you will get stuck on 149, and that’s because you can’t see Diagla if you own Shiny Pearl / you can’t see Palkia if you own Brilliant Diamond. Luckily, you don’t have to trade with other players or anything like that. Instead, to see Dialga and Palkia in Pokemon BDSP or Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and get the National Dex, head back to Celestic Town after defeating Cynthia. Explore the houses in Celestic Town until you find Cynthia’s grandma. Talk to her, and she’ll show you a photo of the Legendary Pokemon from the other game. That will count as seeing it and help complete the Sinnoh Dex.
When you see every Pokemon from Sinnoh, make your way back to Sandgem Town and go to Rowan’s lab. Talk to Rowan, and this will trigger a cutscene in which a familiar face will make an appearance and upgrade your Sinnoh Dex to the National Dex. You know have a few hundred more Pokemon to hunt down, so good luck with that.