How to Evolve Machoke into Machamp in Pokemon BDSP
Figuring out how to evolve Machoke into Machamp in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl or BDSP is one of the trickier tasks in the game. That’s because it works completely different than any other Pokemon that you can find. Leveling up doesn’t work, evolution stones don’t work, raising your friendship level doesn’t work. So, what will work? Let’s find out!

How to Evolve Machoke into Machamp in Pokemon BDSP
To evolve Machoke into Machamp in Pokemon BDSP or Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you need to trade it to another player. The Pokemon will then evolve into a Machamp when in the possession of the other player. So, your best bet is to check in with your friends that are also playing the game and see whether they have a Machoke of their own. You can then trade a Machoke for a Machoke, both ending up with a Machamp for your troubles. Of course, you can also look for a stranger who’s willing to trade on one of the many, many, many subreddits and other online groups of Pokemon fans. Just always remember to exercise caution when trading with strangers, lest they trick you for whatever reason.
So, that’s how you evolve Machoke into Machamp in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl aka BDSP. If you’re not familiar with the trading systems in this game, check out our How to Trade – Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl guide. long story short, go to the Local Room or Global Room through a Union Room, all of which are in the upstairs area of a Pokemon Center. It’s not too hard, all things considered. And that about wraps it up. If you need help with anything else in the game, check out some of our other Pokemon BDSP guides, such as How to Get Eevee and How to Hatch Eggs Faster.