Christmas Mystery Gift Pokemon BDSP
The Mystery Gift function has been a long-time staple of many Pokemon games. Using this feature, the developers of these games can use it to give gifts to players over the internet. Of course, like its original, the Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl remake also has this feature. And now, just in time for Christmas, there is a new Mystery Gift that players can claim. Our Christmas Mystery Gift Pokemon BDSP guide will explain how you can do this, as well as what you will get out of it.

How to Get Christmas Mystery Gift in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
If you have already used the Mystery Gift function as part of the pre-order bonus to get the Manaphy Egg, then you already know how this works in-game. So, to begin, go into your Pokemon BDSP game menu and select the Mystery Gift tab there. Next, select the “Get With Code/Password” option in here. This is where you need to input the following code (without the quotation marks) – “MERRYCHR1STMAS”. Make sure to put in the 1 instead of I. Also, make note that this gift is only available until December 25th, 2021, so hurry up to get it.
When you redeem this code, you will get the Pokemon Statue Gift. Specifically, the statues for Pachirisu, Lucario, Rhyperior, Electivire, and Glaceon. What these allow you to do is, once you get access to the Grand Underground, you will then be able to create a Secret Base there. So, create a Secret Base and place these statues in it. By doing this, you significantly increase the chances of these specific Pokemon spawning in various caverns and rooms in the Grand Underground. And that’s all there is to claiming the Christmas Mystery Gift in Pokemon BDSP. Again, don’t forget that you only have until December 25th to do this.