Tombat Breeding Combos, Location, Drops and Skills | Palworld

Tombat is a Dark Pal in Palworld. Often appears out of the blue to flaunt its prized wings in front of other Pals. Although this appears to be an intimidation tactic, the Pal seems to derive some kind of pleasure from the display.

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Palworld Tombat
Tombat screenshot by ©
Tombat Palworld Paldeck Pal Icon
Paldeck No.#068
ElementPal Element Dark Icon
Work Suitability
  • Gathering Lv. 2
  • Mining Lv. 2
  • Transporting Lv. 2
Ultrasonic Sensor
When activated, uses ultrasonic waves to detect the location of nearby Pals.

Possible Drops

Tombat has 2 drops. These are usually crafting materials. Some Pals also drop upgrade items or even weapons.

  • 1-2x Leather 100%
  • 1x Small Pal Soul 1%

Tombat Location – Where to Find and Capture Tombat in Palworld?

Some Pals can be found only during nighttime. Others are available only as bosses. Some rare Pals become available in Wildlife Sanctuaries after you defeat them as bosses. The screenshot of the map below shows orange dots for daytime pals, blue dots for nighttime pals, and map locations for bosses.

Tombat Map Location in Palworld
Screenshot captured by ©

How to Get Tombat from Breeding?

There are 175 ways to breed Tombat. Bellow are the first 10 of them listed. You need the parents to be of different genders and be the specified Pals.

Parent 1Parent 2
Lamball Icon#1 LamballSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku Aqua
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaSuzaku Icon#102 Suzaku
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku Aqua
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiBlazamut Icon#96 Blazamut
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkShadowbeak Icon#107 Shadowbeak
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkPaladius Icon#108 Paladius
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkNecromus Icon#109 Necromus
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion Noct
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksJetragon Icon#111 Jetragon
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitPaladius Icon#108 Paladius
Click here to show the remaining 164 breeding combos
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion Noct
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitJetragon Icon#111 Jetragon
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeePyrin Noct Icon#58B Pyrin Noct
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeMenasting Icon#99 Menasting
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeLyleen Icon#104 Lyleen
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyQuivern Icon#95 Quivern
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletAstegon Icon#98 Astegon
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletOrserk Icon#106 Orserk
Penking Icon#11 PenkingVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Penking Icon#11 PenkingFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogCryolinx Icon#83 Cryolinx
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogOrserk Icon#106 Orserk
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogFrostallion Icon#110 Frostallion
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystCryolinx Icon#83 Cryolinx
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystAstegon Icon#98 Astegon
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystOrserk Icon#106 Orserk
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossRelaxaurus Lux Icon#85B Relaxaurus Lux
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossMenasting Icon#99 Menasting
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossLyleen Icon#104 Lyleen
Vixy Icon#14 VixySuzaku Icon#102 Suzaku
Vixy Icon#14 VixyShadowbeak Icon#107 Shadowbeak
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesFrostallion Icon#110 Frostallion
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion Noct
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantBlazamut Icon#96 Blazamut
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoCryolinx Icon#83 Cryolinx
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoFrostallion Icon#110 Frostallion
Cremis Icon#18 CremisSuzaku Icon#102 Suzaku
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamRelaxaurus Icon#85 Relaxaurus
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamRelaxaurus Lux Icon#85B Relaxaurus Lux
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamMenasting Icon#99 Menasting
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarPyrin Icon#58 Pyrin
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarRagnahawk Icon#74 Ragnahawk
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarFaleris Icon#105 Faleris
Nox Icon#21 NoxElizabee Icon#51 Elizabee
Nox Icon#21 NoxReptyro Icon#88 Reptyro
Nox Icon#21 NoxJormuntide Icon#101 Jormuntide
Nox Icon#21 NoxJormuntide Ignis Icon#101B Jormuntide Ignis
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerRelaxaurus Icon#85 Relaxaurus
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerRelaxaurus Lux Icon#85B Relaxaurus Lux
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest Cryst
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariBeakon Icon#73 Beakon
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariGrizzbolt Icon#103 Grizzbolt
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariLyleen Noct Icon#104B Lyleen Noct
Mau Icon#24 MauBlazamut Icon#96 Blazamut
Mau Icon#24 MauSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku Aqua
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystSuzaku Icon#102 Suzaku
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystShadowbeak Icon#107 Shadowbeak
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystNecromus Icon#109 Necromus
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMossanda Icon#33 Mossanda
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice Kingpaca
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoAstegon Icon#98 Astegon
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieBeakon Icon#73 Beakon
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice Reptyro
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieLyleen Noct Icon#104B Lyleen Noct
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaIncineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram Noct
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaHelzephyr Icon#97 Helzephyr
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinNitewing Icon#38 Nitewing
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinSweepa Icon#54 Sweepa
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisMossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda Lux
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisSweepa Icon#54 Sweepa
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuPaladius Icon#108 Paladius
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuNecromus Icon#109 Necromus
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuJetragon Icon#111 Jetragon
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystPaladius Icon#108 Paladius
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystNecromus Icon#109 Necromus
Mossanda Icon#33 MossandaCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Mossanda Icon#33 MossandaBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Mossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda LuxLeezpunk Icon#45 Leezpunk
Mossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda LuxLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopReptyro Icon#88 Reptyro
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopMammorest Icon#90 Mammorest
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopJormuntide Icon#101 Jormuntide
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopJormuntide Ignis Icon#101B Jormuntide Ignis
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityIncineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram Noct
Caprity Icon#35 CapritySurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerIncineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram Noct
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Nitewing Icon#38 NitewingCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Nitewing Icon#38 NitewingBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyHelzephyr Icon#97 Helzephyr
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyGrizzbolt Icon#103 Grizzbolt
Cinnamoth Icon#41 CinnamothRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Cinnamoth Icon#41 CinnamothRobinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill Terra
Cinnamoth Icon#41 CinnamothFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxKatress Icon#75 Katress
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoSweepa Icon#54 Sweepa
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkRagnahawk Icon#74 Ragnahawk
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkFaleris Icon#105 Faleris
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisPyrin Icon#58 Pyrin
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisQuivern Icon#95 Quivern
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisFaleris Icon#105 Faleris
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent Terra
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Robinquill Icon#48 RobinquillKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Robinquill Icon#48 RobinquillWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Robinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Robinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Beegarde Icon#50 BeegardeIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice Kingpaca
Elizabee Icon#51 ElizabeeWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Grintale Icon#52 GrintaleVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Grintale Icon#52 GrintaleFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Swee Icon#53 SweeHelzephyr Icon#97 Helzephyr
Swee Icon#53 SweeGrizzbolt Icon#103 Grizzbolt
Swee Icon#53 SweeLyleen Noct Icon#104B Lyleen Noct
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletKatress Icon#75 Katress
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom Lux
Foxcicle Icon#57 FoxcicleRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Pyrin Icon#58 PyrinMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Pyrin Noct Icon#58B Pyrin NoctKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Pyrin Noct Icon#58B Pyrin NoctKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea Ignis
Reindrix Icon#59 ReindrixVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Kitsun Icon#61 KitsunVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Kitsun Icon#61 KitsunBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Dazzi Icon#62 DazziRelaxaurus Icon#85 Relaxaurus
Dazzi Icon#62 DazziMammorest Icon#90 Mammorest
Dazzi Icon#62 DazziMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest Cryst
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisRagnahawk Icon#74 Ragnahawk
Dinossom Icon#64 DinossomBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxKatress Icon#75 Katress
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Surfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent TerraLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Maraith Icon#66 MaraithWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect
Maraith Icon#66 MaraithQuivern Icon#95 Quivern
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Lovander Icon#69 LovanderAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Flambelle Icon#70 FlambelleFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion Noct
Flambelle Icon#70 FlambelleJetragon Icon#111 Jetragon
Vanwyrm Icon#71 VanwyrmBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Bushi Icon#72 BushiBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Beakon Icon#73 BeakonKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea Ignis
Wixen Icon#76 WixenWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect
Wixen Icon#76 WixenQuivern Icon#95 Quivern
Verdash Icon#77 VerdashAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Vaelet Icon#78 VaeletSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Vaelet Icon#78 VaeletIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice Kingpaca
Vaelet Icon#78 VaeletWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Elphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran AquaFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Kelpsea Icon#81 KelpseaIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice Reptyro
Kelpsea Icon#81 KelpseaLyleen Icon#104 Lyleen
Kelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice Reptyro
Azurobe Icon#82 AzurobeFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Blazehowl Icon#84 BlazehowlPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Blazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl NoctBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Wumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo BotanFelbat Icon#94 Felbat

Tombat Breeding Combos

Bellow is the list of all possible Tombat breeding combos. This means that when you combine Tombat with any of the bellow listed Pals you’ll get the specified child Pal. Gender of parents is inconsequential as long as they have different genders.

Parent 1Parent 2Child
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyTombat Icon#68 TombatLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Nox Icon#21 NoxTombat Icon#68 TombatLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisTombat Icon#68 TombatLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Maraith Icon#66 MaraithTombat Icon#68 TombatLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Tombat Icon#68 TombatWixen Icon#76 WixenLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkTombat Icon#68 TombatCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisTombat Icon#68 TombatCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaTombat Icon#68 TombatGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyTombat Icon#68 TombatGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Swee Icon#53 SweeTombat Icon#68 TombatGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Click here to show the remaining 100 breeding combos
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerTombat Icon#68 TombatFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopTombat Icon#68 TombatFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Dazzi Icon#62 DazziTombat Icon#68 TombatFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiTombat Icon#68 TombatRushoar Icon#20 Rushoar
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamTombat Icon#68 TombatVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarTombat Icon#68 TombatLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksTombat Icon#68 TombatCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitTombat Icon#68 TombatCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Tombat Icon#68 TombatFlambelle Icon#70 FlambelleCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Lamball Icon#1 LamballTombat Icon#68 TombatLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaTombat Icon#68 TombatLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Mau Icon#24 MauTombat Icon#68 TombatLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinTombat Icon#68 TombatEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisTombat Icon#68 TombatEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoTombat Icon#68 TombatEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonTombat Icon#68 TombatDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Tombat Icon#68 TombatLovander Icon#69 LovanderDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariTombat Icon#68 TombatRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieTombat Icon#68 TombatRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Tombat Icon#68 TombatKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogTombat Icon#68 TombatDirehowl Icon#26 Direhowl
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystTombat Icon#68 TombatDirehowl Icon#26 Direhowl
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoTombat Icon#68 TombatDirehowl Icon#26 Direhowl
Fuack Icon#6 FuackTombat Icon#68 TombatGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoTombat Icon#68 TombatGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkTombat Icon#68 TombatGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystTombat Icon#68 TombatGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuTombat Icon#68 TombatGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystTombat Icon#68 TombatGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseTombat Icon#68 TombatChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesTombat Icon#68 TombatBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Robinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraTombat Icon#68 TombatReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Tombat Icon#68 TombatFelbat Icon#94 FelbatReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Tombat Icon#68 TombatVerdash Icon#77 VerdashCelaray Icon#25 Celaray
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratTombat Icon#68 TombatDumud Icon#43 Dumud
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawTombat Icon#68 TombatMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Robinquill Icon#48 RobinquillTombat Icon#68 TombatMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Beegarde Icon#50 BeegardeTombat Icon#68 TombatMozzarina Icon#29 Mozzarina
Tombat Icon#68 TombatKatress Icon#75 KatressRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Tombat Icon#68 TombatBlazehowl Icon#84 BlazehowlRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaTombat Icon#68 TombatKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerTombat Icon#68 TombatKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraTombat Icon#68 TombatKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Tombat Icon#68 TombatFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxTombat Icon#68 TombatFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Tombat Icon#68 TombatPetallia Icon#87 PetalliaFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletTombat Icon#68 TombatPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxTombat Icon#68 TombatPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Kitsun Icon#61 KitsunTombat Icon#68 TombatArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Dinossom Icon#64 DinossomTombat Icon#68 TombatArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Tombat Icon#68 TombatBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry AquaArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletTombat Icon#68 TombatVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantTombat Icon#68 TombatLeezpunk Icon#45 Leezpunk
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaTombat Icon#68 TombatDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Dumud Icon#43 DumudTombat Icon#68 TombatDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Reindrix Icon#59 ReindrixTombat Icon#68 TombatDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltTombat Icon#68 TombatBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Tombat Icon#68 TombatVanwyrm Icon#71 VanwyrmBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Tombat Icon#68 TombatBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl NoctBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Tombat Icon#68 TombatVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm CrystUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Tombat Icon#68 TombatBushi Icon#72 BushiKatress Icon#75 Katress
Incineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram NoctTombat Icon#68 TombatVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentTombat Icon#68 TombatVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Surfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent TerraTombat Icon#68 TombatVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Tombat Icon#68 TombatAnubis Icon#100 AnubisVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Penking Icon#11 PenkingTombat Icon#68 TombatBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Tombat Icon#68 TombatElphidran Icon#80 ElphidranBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Tombat Icon#68 TombatElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran AquaBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Mossanda Icon#33 MossandaTombat Icon#68 TombatIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Nitewing Icon#38 NitewingTombat Icon#68 TombatIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Tombat Icon#68 TombatSibelyx Icon#79 SibelyxIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Tombat Icon#68 TombatIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice KingpacaIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Tombat Icon#68 TombatWumpo Icon#91 WumpoIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Tombat Icon#68 TombatBeakon Icon#73 BeakonWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Tombat Icon#68 TombatGrizzbolt Icon#103 GrizzboltWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Tombat Icon#68 TombatLyleen Noct Icon#104B Lyleen NoctWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Tombat Icon#68 TombatAstegon Icon#98 AstegonSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Tombat Icon#68 TombatOrserk Icon#106 OrserkSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Tombat Icon#68 TombatHelzephyr Icon#97 HelzephyrKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Pyrin Icon#58 PyrinTombat Icon#68 TombatSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Tombat Icon#68 TombatFaleris Icon#105 FalerisSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Pyrin Noct Icon#58B Pyrin NoctTombat Icon#68 TombatAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Tombat Icon#68 TombatMenasting Icon#99 MenastingAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Tombat Icon#68 TombatLyleen Icon#104 LyleenAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Tombat Icon#68 TombatPaladius Icon#108 PaladiusNitewing Icon#38 Nitewing
Tombat Icon#68 TombatFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion NoctNitewing Icon#38 Nitewing
Tombat Icon#68 TombatJetragon Icon#111 JetragonNitewing Icon#38 Nitewing
Tombat Icon#68 TombatRelaxaurus Icon#85 RelaxaurusPenking Icon#11 Penking
Tombat Icon#68 TombatMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest CrystPenking Icon#11 Penking
Tombat Icon#68 TombatBlazamut Icon#96 BlazamutRagnahawk Icon#74 Ragnahawk
Elizabee Icon#51 ElizabeeTombat Icon#68 TombatElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Tombat Icon#68 TombatReptyro Icon#88 ReptyroElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Tombat Icon#68 TombatWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect Elphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Mossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda LuxTombat Icon#68 TombatAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Tombat Icon#68 TombatRagnahawk Icon#74 RagnahawkAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Tombat Icon#68 TombatRelaxaurus Lux Icon#85B Relaxaurus LuxGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Tombat Icon#68 TombatShadowbeak Icon#107 ShadowbeakSweepa Icon#54 Sweepa
Tombat Icon#68 TombatNecromus Icon#109 NecromusSweepa Icon#54 Sweepa
Tombat Icon#68 TombatIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice ReptyroCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Tombat Icon#68 TombatFrostallion Icon#110 FrostallionMossanda Icon#33 Mossanda

Palworld Tombat Active Skills

Tombat has 7 active skills beside his primary partner skill Ultrasonic Sensor.

Skill NameSkill DescriptionUnlock Lv.
Air CannonQuickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.1
Poison BlastHurls poison sludge at an enemy.7
Dark BallUnleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down an enemy.15
Shadow BurstQuickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.22
Spirit FlameFires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.30
Nightmare BallCreates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.40
Dark LaserCharges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.50
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