Surfent Breeding Combos, Location, Drops and Skills | Palworld

Surfent is a Water Pal in Palworld. Its hydrodynamic form is well suited to life in water. Poachers often catch them and use them in place of surfboards.

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Palworld Surfent
Surfent screenshot by ©
Surfent Palworld Paldeck Pal Icon
Paldeck No.#065
ElementPal Element Water Icon
Work Suitability
  • Watering Lv. 2
Swift Swimmer
Can be ridden to travel on water. While mounted, prevents stamina depletion while moving over water.

Possible Drops

Surfent has 1 drop. These are usually crafting materials. Some Pals also drop upgrade items or even weapons.

  • 1-2x Pal Fluids 100%

Surfent Location – Where to Find and Capture Surfent in Palworld?

Some Pals can be found only during nighttime. Others are available only as bosses. Some rare Pals become available in Wildlife Sanctuaries after you defeat them as bosses. The screenshot of the map below shows orange dots for daytime pals, blue dots for nighttime pals, and map locations for bosses.

Surfent Map Location in Palworld
Screenshot captured by ©

How to Get Surfent from Breeding?

There are 81 ways to breed Surfent. Bellow are the first 10 of them listed. You need the parents to be of different genders and be the specified Pals.

Parent 1Parent 2
Penking Icon#11 PenkingIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayPyrin Noct Icon#58B Pyrin Noct
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayLyleen Icon#104 Lyleen
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlSuzaku Icon#102 Suzaku
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlShadowbeak Icon#107 Shadowbeak
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaGrizzbolt Icon#103 Grizzbolt
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaLyleen Noct Icon#104B Lyleen Noct
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku Aqua
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisBlazamut Icon#96 Blazamut
Mossanda Icon#33 MossandaUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Click here to show the remaining 70 breeding combos
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityHelzephyr Icon#97 Helzephyr
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaBeakon Icon#73 Beakon
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice Reptyro
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerHelzephyr Icon#97 Helzephyr
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerGrizzbolt Icon#103 Grizzbolt
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraBeakon Icon#73 Beakon
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraLyleen Noct Icon#104B Lyleen Noct
Nitewing Icon#38 NitewingKatress Icon#75 Katress
Incineram Icon#40 IncineramElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Incineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram NoctElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Incineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram NoctElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Cinnamoth Icon#41 CinnamothVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxElizabee Icon#51 Elizabee
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxReptyro Icon#88 Reptyro
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBeakon Icon#73 Beakon
Dumud Icon#43 DumudIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice Reptyro
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku Aqua
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawPaladius Icon#108 Paladius
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawJetragon Icon#111 Jetragon
Robinquill Icon#48 RobinquillFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion Noct
Robinquill Icon#48 RobinquillJetragon Icon#111 Jetragon
Robinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraFrostallion Icon#110 Frostallion
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratPaladius Icon#108 Paladius
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratNecromus Icon#109 Necromus
Beegarde Icon#50 BeegardeSuzaku Icon#102 Suzaku
Elizabee Icon#51 ElizabeePetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Sweepa Icon#54 SweepaKatress Icon#75 Katress
Sweepa Icon#54 SweepaBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletReptyro Icon#88 Reptyro
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletJormuntide Icon#101 Jormuntide
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletJormuntide Ignis Icon#101B Jormuntide Ignis
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice Kingpaca
Foxcicle Icon#57 FoxciclePyrin Icon#58 Pyrin
Foxcicle Icon#57 FoxcicleQuivern Icon#95 Quivern
Pyrin Icon#58 PyrinTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Pyrin Noct Icon#58B Pyrin NoctReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Reindrix Icon#59 ReindrixIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice Reptyro
Rayhound Icon#60 RayhoundRagnahawk Icon#74 Ragnahawk
Rayhound Icon#60 RayhoundFaleris Icon#105 Faleris
Kitsun Icon#61 KitsunRelaxaurus Icon#85 Relaxaurus
Kitsun Icon#61 KitsunMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest Cryst
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisBlazamut Icon#96 Blazamut
Dinossom Icon#64 DinossomMammorest Icon#90 Mammorest
Dinossom Icon#64 DinossomMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest Cryst
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxMammorest Icon#90 Mammorest
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxJormuntide Icon#101 Jormuntide
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxJormuntide Ignis Icon#101B Jormuntide Ignis
Surfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent TerraAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseRelaxaurus Lux Icon#85B Relaxaurus Lux
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseMenasting Icon#99 Menasting
Tombat Icon#68 TombatFaleris Icon#105 Faleris
Vanwyrm Icon#71 VanwyrmSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Vanwyrm Icon#71 VanwyrmWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Vanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm CrystAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Bushi Icon#72 BushiKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Bushi Icon#72 BushiWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Verdash Icon#77 VerdashCryolinx Icon#83 Cryolinx
Verdash Icon#77 VerdashFrostallion Icon#110 Frostallion
Vaelet Icon#78 VaeletShadowbeak Icon#107 Shadowbeak
Vaelet Icon#78 VaeletNecromus Icon#109 Necromus
Sibelyx Icon#79 SibelyxBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Elphidran Icon#80 ElphidranAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Cryolinx Icon#83 CryolinxFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Blazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl NoctIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice Kingpaca
Relaxaurus Icon#85 RelaxaurusBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Relaxaurus Lux Icon#85B Relaxaurus LuxBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Broncherry Icon#86 BroncherryMenasting Icon#99 Menasting
Broncherry Icon#86 BroncherryLyleen Icon#104 Lyleen
Petallia Icon#87 PetalliaWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeOrserk Icon#106 Orserk
Felbat Icon#94 FelbatFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion Noct

Surfent Breeding Combos

Bellow is the list of all possible Surfent breeding combos. This means that when you combine Surfent with any of the bellow listed Pals you’ll get the specified child Pal. Gender of parents is inconsequential as long as they have different genders.

Parent 1Parent 2Child
Fuack Icon#6 FuackSurfent Icon#65 SurfentLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletSurfent Icon#65 SurfentLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogSurfent Icon#65 SurfentLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystSurfent Icon#65 SurfentLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoSurfent Icon#65 SurfentLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunySurfent Icon#65 SurfentCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Swee Icon#53 SweeSurfent Icon#65 SurfentCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiSurfent Icon#65 SurfentGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantSurfent Icon#65 SurfentGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksSurfent Icon#65 SurfentFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Click here to show the remaining 103 breeding combos
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitSurfent Icon#65 SurfentFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesSurfent Icon#65 SurfentFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoSurfent Icon#65 SurfentFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentFlambelle Icon#70 FlambelleFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuSurfent Icon#65 SurfentVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystSurfent Icon#65 SurfentVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaSurfent Icon#65 SurfentLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariSurfent Icon#65 SurfentEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieSurfent Icon#65 SurfentEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarSurfent Icon#65 SurfentDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisSurfent Icon#65 SurfentDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentMaraith Icon#66 MaraithDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Lamball Icon#1 LamballSurfent Icon#65 SurfentRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Mau Icon#24 MauSurfent Icon#65 SurfentRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaSurfent Icon#65 SurfentFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Cremis Icon#18 CremisSurfent Icon#65 SurfentFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratSurfent Icon#65 SurfentChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopSurfent Icon#65 SurfentReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Nox Icon#21 NoxSurfent Icon#65 SurfentCelaray Icon#25 Celaray
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamSurfent Icon#65 SurfentDumud Icon#43 Dumud
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerSurfent Icon#65 SurfentMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Dazzi Icon#62 DazziSurfent Icon#65 SurfentMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentKelpsea Icon#81 KelpseaMozzarina Icon#29 Mozzarina
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaSurfent Icon#65 SurfentRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaSurfent Icon#65 SurfentRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerSurfent Icon#65 SurfentRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraSurfent Icon#65 SurfentRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Dumud Icon#43 DumudSurfent Icon#65 SurfentRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinSurfent Icon#65 SurfentKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisSurfent Icon#65 SurfentKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisSurfent Icon#65 SurfentKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Rooby Icon#9 RoobySurfent Icon#65 SurfentBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentWixen Icon#76 WixenBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Caprity Icon#35 CapritySurfent Icon#65 SurfentTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonSurfent Icon#65 SurfentTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentLovander Icon#69 LovanderTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Robinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraSurfent Icon#65 SurfentPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentVerdash Icon#77 VerdashPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawSurfent Icon#65 SurfentArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Robinquill Icon#48 RobinquillSurfent Icon#65 SurfentArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentFelbat Icon#94 FelbatArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoSurfent Icon#65 SurfentDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Beegarde Icon#50 BeegardeSurfent Icon#65 SurfentDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Celaray Icon#25 CelaraySurfent Icon#65 SurfentBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Reindrix Icon#59 ReindrixSurfent Icon#65 SurfentBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentDigtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentBroncherry Icon#86 BroncherryBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxSurfent Icon#65 SurfentUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletSurfent Icon#65 SurfentUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Dinossom Icon#64 DinossomSurfent Icon#65 SurfentUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxSurfent Icon#65 SurfentUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Kitsun Icon#61 KitsunSurfent Icon#65 SurfentKatress Icon#75 Katress
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry AquaKatress Icon#75 Katress
Foxcicle Icon#57 FoxcicleSurfent Icon#65 SurfentVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Rayhound Icon#60 RayhoundSurfent Icon#65 SurfentVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentTombat Icon#68 TombatVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentBlazehowl Icon#84 BlazehowlBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm CrystIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentBushi Icon#72 BushiIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Mossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda LuxSurfent Icon#65 SurfentWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Sweepa Icon#54 SweepaSurfent Icon#65 SurfentWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Elizabee Icon#51 ElizabeeSurfent Icon#65 SurfentSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect Sibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentQuivern Icon#95 QuivernSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentRagnahawk Icon#74 RagnahawkKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Mossanda Icon#33 MossandaSurfent Icon#65 SurfentAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentSibelyx Icon#79 SibelyxAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice KingpacaAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentRelaxaurus Icon#85 RelaxaurusNitewing Icon#38 Nitewing
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentRelaxaurus Lux Icon#85B Relaxaurus LuxNitewing Icon#38 Nitewing
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest CrystNitewing Icon#38 Nitewing
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentKingpaca Icon#89 KingpacaPenking Icon#11 Penking
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo BotanPenking Icon#11 Penking
Pyrin Icon#58 PyrinSurfent Icon#65 SurfentWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentFaleris Icon#105 FalerisWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentGrizzbolt Icon#103 GrizzboltRagnahawk Icon#74 Ragnahawk
Penking Icon#11 PenkingSurfent Icon#65 SurfentElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Grintale Icon#52 GrintaleSurfent Icon#65 SurfentElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran AquaElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Incineram Icon#40 IncineramSurfent Icon#65 SurfentAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Incineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram NoctSurfent Icon#65 SurfentAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentAnubis Icon#100 AnubisAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentWumpo Icon#91 WumpoGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentPaladius Icon#108 PaladiusReptyro Icon#88 Reptyro
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentJetragon Icon#111 JetragonReptyro Icon#88 Reptyro
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentMenasting Icon#99 MenastingSweepa Icon#54 Sweepa
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentLyleen Icon#104 LyleenSweepa Icon#54 Sweepa
Nitewing Icon#38 NitewingSurfent Icon#65 SurfentCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentMammorest Icon#90 MammorestMossanda Icon#33 Mossanda
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentJormuntide Icon#101 JormuntideMossanda Icon#33 Mossanda
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentAstegon Icon#98 AstegonPyrin Icon#58 Pyrin
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion NoctElizabee Icon#51 Elizabee
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentBlazamut Icon#96 BlazamutRelaxaurus Icon#85 Relaxaurus
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku AquaMammorest Icon#90 Mammorest
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentSuzaku Icon#102 SuzakuJormuntide Icon#101 Jormuntide
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentShadowbeak Icon#107 ShadowbeakJormuntide Icon#101 Jormuntide
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentOrserk Icon#106 OrserkQuivern Icon#95 Quivern
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentCryolinx Icon#83 CryolinxWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentFrostallion Icon#110 FrostallionWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect
Elphidran Icon#80 ElphidranSurfent Icon#65 SurfentElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentDumud Icon#43 DumudSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent Terra

Palworld Surfent Active Skills

Surfent has 7 active skills beside his primary partner skill Swift Swimmer.

Skill NameSkill DescriptionUnlock Lv.
Hydro JetHurls a high speed ball of water at an enemy.1
Dragon CannonHurls an energy ball imbued with draconic energy at an enemy.7
Aqua GunHurls a ball of water straight at an enemy.15
Bubble BlastFires numerous bubbles that slowly pursue an enemy.22
Dragon BurstQuickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.30
Draconic BreathExhales breath imbued with draconic energy, dealing continuous damage to those in front of it.40
Hydro LaserShoots pressurized water at extreme velocities, sweeping over a wide area in front of it.50
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