How to Warm Incubator Egg in Palworld, Incubator Seems a Little Cold

In our How to Warm Incubator Egg in Palworld, Incubator Seems a Little Cold guide, we are going to explain several important matters. Namely, we will show you how to get an Egg Incubator in Palworld first. Then we’ll talk about how you can keep an Incubator warm in order for the Egg to hatch. Lastly, we’ll cover how to hatch Eggs in Palworld in general. We have a lot to cover, so let’s get right into it!

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how to warm incubator egg in palworld incubator seems a little cold
How to Warm Incubator Egg in Palworld, Incubator Seems a Little Cold

How to Get Egg Incubator in Palworld?

Before we talk about how to arm an Incubator Egg in Palworld and what to do if your Incubator seems a little cold, we need to explain how to get one in the first place. Well, you’ll have to get to level 7 and spend Ancient Technology Points. Once you have the blueprint unlocked, you’ll need the following ingredients: ten Paldium Fragments, thirty Stone, five Cloth and two Ancient Civilization Parts. The last material is the most difficult to obtain, since they seem to only drop from bosses. Same as Ancient Technology Points, come to think of it. So, yeah; it’s a bit of a journey, but it’s worth it. What else are you gonna do with the Eggs you collect?

Best Way to Warm Incubator Egg in Palworld – Incubator Seems a Little Cold

The best and easiest way to warm an Incubator Egg in Palworld if your Incubator “seems a little cold” is to surround it with regular ole campfires, as seen in the image up top. Regular Eggs will be fine with one fire, but if it’s a Scorching Egg or a Huge Dragon Egg, you’ll need to surround it with flames. Might want to use a more efficient source of warmth, such as the Heating Barrel or the Heater. Also, building your base in a warmer climate does seem to help at least a little.

Now, while most Eggs prefer heat in order to hatch, there are types like Damp Eggs that actually prefer to be cold. If the climate is too hot for the Egg to hatch, you can use Coolers to chill them down a little. I have seen people say that dunking them in water can help with that, but we haven’t confirmed that.

How to Hatch Eggs in Palworld?

Now that we know what to do if the Incubator seems a little cold and how to warm an Incubator Egg in Palworld, how do you actually Hatch Eggs? Well, you plop the Incubator somewhere where it’s convenient for you. You then interact with the object (hold F as usual). Select an Egg from your inventory. Wait for the timer to run out and then hold F again to hatch the Egg. And mind you, some lower-level Eggs won’t even need a timer. Trust me, this whole process is way simpler than it may seem on the surface. If you happen upon an Egg that you can’t keep hot or cold enough with your current level of technology, that’s fine. Just leave it for later. Finally, while you are here, check out the complete list of all Palworld Egg types.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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