How to Get Honey in Palworld, Cake Ingredient
In our How to Get Honey in Palworld, Cake Ingredient guide, we are going to show you what the sources of honey in Palworld are, which pals can drop honey, how that all works, and more. Cakes are necessary if you want to breed Pals in your base, and that will become more important of a thing later on. Honey is the only Cake ingredient that’s not readily available, and that can be a problem. Here’s how to solve it.

Where to Get Honey in Palworld
The only way we know of to get honey to make a Cake in Palworld is to catch specific species of Pal (more on that in the next section) and put them in a ranch. If you want to learn more about ranches and how they work, check out our How to Assign Pals to Ranch guide. If there is a way to get honey in the wild, let us know in the comments, because ranching is a very slow process.
Now, there are a few more things you’ll need to get a Cake. First of all, you need a Cooking Pot. That unlocks at level 17, and you’ll need twenty Wood, fifteen Ingots and three Flame Organs to make it. As far as ingredients for the cake goes, it requires five Flour, eight Red Berries, eight Eggs, seven units of Milk and two units of honey. Every ingredient except honey is readily available for purchase in settlements.
Palworld Pals that Drop Honey List
In the list below, you can see which Pals you can get honey from as drops in Palworld in order to make a Cake. Again, from what we can tell, they do have to be in a ranch for it to work with any kind of efficiency. Maybe it’s enough to just deploy them in your base; we haven’t had the time to test it out yet. Anyways, here’s the list.
- Beegarde
- Cinnamoth
- Elizabee
- Warsect
Now, there is an alternate way to get a Cake straight-up, and that’s to have a Lovander. According to its Paldeck entry, it can drop Cakes. However, it seems that it’s a very rare drop, so it’s not something to lean on too heavily.