How to Fix Palworld Poor Working Conditions, Pal Upset & Went to Bed
If your Pals are complaining about poor working conditions in Palworld, you should probably do something about it. While Palworld openly draws inspiration from the Pokemon series in many ways, in many other ways, it is the complete opposite. Pals in Palworld are predominately a workforce, which you will employ to do all kinds of manual labour around your base. However, if working conditions are bad, a Pal will get upset and go to bed. Read on as we explain how to improve these conditions.

How to Get Poor Working Conditions Better in Palword – Pal Upset and Went to Bed
Are your Palls feeling down? Well, that’s because you are a bad employer! If pals were able to rate you on GlassDoor, those reviews would be overwhelmingly negative. However, it is still not too late to realize that Pals are persons too and that they have their needs and feelings. Hence, if you want a productive Pals workforce, you will need to improve poor working conditions in Palworld. So, how do I do it? You will basically need to improve their sanity. Otherwise, Pals will get stressed out and go to bed. Here’s how to do it.
The first and most important thing to do is to have enough beds. Every Pal worker needs to have a place to sleep somewhere. If they can not rest someplace, they will become extremely stressed and unproductive. Luckily, beds in Palworld are quite affordable to make, so make sure to have enough of them. And once you have a high enough level, start swapping those basic beds with fluffy beds.
Aside from resting, your Pals will also want to relax in their sparse free time. For that, you will need to build a Hot Spring building. This will significantly improve poor working conditions in Palworld, as Pals will de-stress much quicker than they otherwise would.
Finally, you will want to feed them high-quality food. When you start your game, Berries will be the easiest way of keeping your Pals fed. However, your Pals will want to eat better food as you progress through the game and expand your base. Eating highly quality food will make them happy, thus fixing poor working conditions in Palworld.