How to Craft Nails in Palworld, Handiwork Pals Required Listed

In our How to Craft Nails in Palworld, Handiwork Pals Required Listed guide, we are going to cover several important points on this subject. The first thing we’ll check off the list is how making Nails works in Palworld. After that, we’ll give you a list of all Pals that have the Handiwork trait and explain how to make them craft Nails instead of you. Let’s begin!

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how to craft nails in palworld handiwork pals required listed
How to Craft Nails in Palworld, Handiwork Pals Required Listed

How to Craft Nails in Palworld

To craft Nails in Palworld, you’ll first have to do some legwork. First off, you’ll have to build at least a Primitive Furnace. It unlocks at Level 10, requires three Tech Points and 20x Wood, 50x Stone and 3x Flame Organ to craft. Then, grab your Pickaxe and mine some Ore. Take the Ore to the Furnace to turn it into Ingots (2x Ore per Ingot). Last step is to to take those Ingots to the workbench and use them to craft Nails. You need one Ingot to produce one unit of Nails. That’s all there is to it. Now for some advice on how to mainline the process a little.

Palworld Handiwork Pals Listed

Now that we know how to craft Nails in Palworld, let’s list some of the Pals that have the Handiwork trait. Why? Because making Nails is tedious and time-consuming, of course. You want to have somebody working on it while you are busy exploring or doing whatever else. With all of that said, you have a lot of options. Here’s the full list of Pals that can have Handiwork.

  • Cattiva
  • Lamball
  • Lifmunk
  • Fuack
  • Tanzee
  • Sparkit
  • Penking
  • Pengullet
  • Daedream
  • Depresso
  • Gobfin
  • Flopie
  • Fuddler
  • Bristla
  • Mossanda
  • Dazzi
  • Handyu
  • Ribunny
  • Leezpunk
  • Loupmoon
  • Robinquill
  • Beegarde
  • Elizabee
  • Flambelle
  • Incineram
  • Gorirat
  • Lunaris
  • Lovander
  • Bushi
  • Vaelet
  • Cryolinx
  • Verdash
  • Astegon
  • Petallia
  • Anubis
  • Wumpo
  • Warsect
  • Katress
  • Quivern
  • Grizzbolt
  • Wixen

Palworld Pals Not Working on Crafting Nails

Now, if the Pals in your base are refusing to work to craft Nails in Palworld, even though they do have the Handiwork trait, don’t worry. It happens strangely often. There are two potential fixes for this. The first option is to physically pick up one of the Pals running around your base and plop it right in front of the bench. This sometimes jostles them into actually working. Option 2 is to actually have the Pal you want to make Nails active in your Party. Whichever works best for you, go for that one. And note that sometimes idling Pals working on the base will jump to a task out of nowhere. Probably some AI glitches left to iron out.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.