How to Assign Pals to Ranch in Palworld
In our How to Assign Pals to Ranch Palworld, Best Ranch Pals guide, we will first explain how to get and build a ranch in the first place. After that, we’ll talk about putting different Pals into ranches and which Pal drops which materials while inside said ranch. Let’s get right into it!

How to Get a Ranch in Palworld
Before we explain how to assign palls to your ranch in Palworld, we first need to talk about how to build a ranch in the first place. That’s actually fairly simple. All you have to do is get to Level 5 in your Tech Tree. That’s when the Ranch unlocks. After that, collect 50x Wood, 20x Stone, and 30x Fiber. Once you’re done with gathering materials, find a flat, wide bit of land to build the Ranch on. From there, you construct it like any other building in your base. It takes up a lot of space, as you can see in the image above, so fitting it in might be a little tricky.
How to Assign Pals to Ranch in Pallword
Now that we know how to get a ranch in Palworld, let’s talk about how to assign Pals to it. First thing’s first, you need to deploy the Pal you want to be on that particular ranch to work on your base. More on that in our Deploy a Work Pal to the Base guide. Item two is that said Pal needs to have the Farming work suitability. You can scan for that using the F key on PC. Approach the Pal, pick it up and place it into the enclosure. All that’s left is to wait for it to drop its respective materials, as listed below.
Palworld Best Ranch Pals
Here’s a list of the best pals to have on your Ranch. Before that, a few more things to mention when it comes to assigning pals to a ranch in Palworld. First off, every species of Pal needs a separate enclosure; so, one ranch for every type of creature. That’s a lot of space, so keep that in mind. Secondly, it does seem that some Pals deployed to the base will come in and graze inside the ranch confines automatically.
- Caprity – Wool and Red Berries
- Chikipi – Eggs
- Cremis – Wool
- Flambelle – Flame Organs
- Lamball – Wool
- Mau – Gold Coins
- Melpaca – Wool
- Mozzarina – Milk
- Vixy – Arrows, Gold Coins, Pal Spheres
- Woolipop – Cotton Candy