Direhowl Breeding Combos, Location, Drops and Skills | Palworld

Direhowl is a Neutral Pal in Palworld. Long ago Direhowl would hunt alongside humans but over the years this bond faded.

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Palworld Direhowl
Direhowl screenshot by Gosunoob.com ©
Direhowl Palworld Paldeck Pal Icon
Paldeck No.#026
ElementPal Element Neutral Icon
Work Suitability
  • Gathering Lv. 1
Direhowl Rider
Can be ridden. Moves slightly faster than most mounts.

Possible Drops

Direhowl has 3 drops. These are usually crafting materials. Some Pals also drop upgrade items or even weapons.

  • 1-2x Leather 100%
  • 1x Ruby 3%
  • 10-20x Gold Coin 3%

Direhowl Location – Where to Find and Capture Direhowl in Palworld?

Some Pals can be found only during nighttime. Others are available only as bosses. Some rare Pals become available in Wildlife Sanctuaries after you defeat them as bosses. The screenshot of the map below shows orange dots for daytime pals, blue dots for nighttime pals, and map locations for bosses.

Direhowl Map Location in Palworld
Screenshot captured by Gosunoob.com ©

How to Get Direhowl from Breeding?

There are 107 ways to breed Direhowl. Bellow are the first 10 of them listed. You need the parents to be of different genders and be the specified Pals.

Parent 1Parent 2
Lamball Icon#1 LamballVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Lamball Icon#1 LamballBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkKatress Icon#75 Katress
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Fuack Icon#6 FuackArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Fuack Icon#6 FuackChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Click here to show the remaining 96 breeding combos
Fuack Icon#6 FuackPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitKatress Icon#75 Katress
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeCelaray Icon#25 Celaray
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossCelaray Icon#25 Celaray
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Vixy Icon#14 VixyUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Vixy Icon#14 VixyVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Vixy Icon#14 VixyBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Cremis Icon#18 CremisVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Cremis Icon#18 CremisBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamEikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer Terra
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamDumud Icon#43 Dumud
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarRobinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill Terra
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Nox Icon#21 NoxCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Nox Icon#21 NoxLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Nox Icon#21 NoxLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerMozzarina Icon#29 Mozzarina
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerEikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer Terra
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerDumud Icon#43 Dumud
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Mau Icon#24 MauBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom Lux
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuKatress Icon#75 Katress
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystKatress Icon#75 Katress
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom Lux
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkRobinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill Terra
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Robinquill Icon#48 RobinquillLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Robinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Beegarde Icon#50 BeegardeVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Swee Icon#53 SweeKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Swee Icon#53 SweeDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Swee Icon#53 SweeDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom Lux
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Maraith Icon#66 MaraithFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea Ignis
Flambelle Icon#70 FlambelleBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Kelpsea Icon#81 KelpseaBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Kelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Kelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua

Direhowl Breeding Combos

Bellow is the list of all possible Direhowl breeding combos. This means that when you combine Direhowl with any of the bellow listed Pals you’ll get the specified child Pal. Gender of parents is inconsequential as long as they have different genders.

Parent 1Parent 2Child
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlFlopie Icon#28 FlopieWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlKelpsea Icon#81 KelpseaWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Lamball Icon#1 LamballDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Vixy Icon#14 VixyDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Cremis Icon#18 CremisDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Fuack Icon#6 FuackDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlBristla Icon#30 BristlaWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlRibbuny Icon#39 RibbunyWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Click here to show the remaining 110 breeding combos
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlFlopie Icon#28 Flopie
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlKitsun Icon#61 KitsunLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlDigtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlBroncherry Icon#86 BroncherryLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry AquaLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlChillet Icon#55 ChilletCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlTocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlNox Icon#21 Nox
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlSwee Icon#53 SweeNox Icon#21 Nox
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlRobinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlVerdash Icon#77 VerdashGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlFelbat Icon#94 FelbatGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMelpaca Icon#36 MelpacaFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlEikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlDumud Icon#43 DumudFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlReindrix Icon#59 ReindrixFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlWoolipop Icon#34 WoolipopRushoar Icon#20 Rushoar
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlDazzi Icon#62 DazziRushoar Icon#20 Rushoar
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea Ignis
Mau Icon#24 MauDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea Ignis
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlTanzee Icon#8 Tanzee
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlTanzee Icon#8 Tanzee
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlDaedream Icon#19 Daedream
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlDaedream Icon#19 Daedream
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlFlambelle Icon#70 FlambelleDaedream Icon#19 Daedream
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlEikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlDinossom Icon#64 DinossomLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlGobfin Icon#31 GobfinCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlGobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMaraith Icon#66 MaraithLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlWixen Icon#76 WixenLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlArsox Icon#42 ArsoxEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlPetallia Icon#87 PetalliaEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlBushi Icon#72 BushiDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlGaleclaw Icon#47 GaleclawGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlRobinquill Icon#48 RobinquillGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlLeezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlLunaris Icon#63 LunarisGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlElphidran Icon#80 ElphidranChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlCawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlKatress Icon#75 KatressReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlUnivolt Icon#56 UnivoltCelaray Icon#25 Celaray
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlRooby Icon#9 Rooby
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlBlazehowl Icon#84 BlazehowlMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlFuddler Icon#22 Fuddler
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlFuddler Icon#22 Fuddler
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlHangyu Icon#32 HangyuGumoss Icon#13 Gumoss
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlHangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystGumoss Icon#13 Gumoss
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlFoxcicle Icon#57 FoxcicleMozzarina Icon#29 Mozzarina
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda LuxRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlNitewing Icon#38 NitewingRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlSweepa Icon#54 SweepaRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlIncineram Icon#40 IncineramKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlVanwyrm Icon#71 VanwyrmBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl NoctBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlKingpaca Icon#89 KingpacaFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlWumpo Icon#91 WumpoFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo BotanFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMossanda Icon#33 MossandaTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlSibelyx Icon#79 SibelyxTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice KingpacaTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlCinnamoth Icon#41 CinnamothPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlAzurobe Icon#82 AzurobePetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Penking Icon#11 PenkingDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlGrintale Icon#52 GrintaleArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran AquaArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlGorirat Icon#49 GoriratVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Nox Icon#21 NoxDirehowl Icon#26 DirehowlLeezpunk Icon#45 Leezpunk
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlIncineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram NoctDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlAnubis Icon#100 AnubisDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlPyrin Icon#58 PyrinBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlRagnahawk Icon#74 RagnahawkBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlQuivern Icon#95 QuivernBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlFaleris Icon#105 FalerisBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlReptyro Icon#88 ReptyroUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMammorest Icon#90 MammorestUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest CrystUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlJormuntide Icon#101 JormuntideUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlJormuntide Ignis Icon#101B Jormuntide IgnisUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlElizabee Icon#51 ElizabeeKatress Icon#75 Katress
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect Katress Icon#75 Katress
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlPyrin Noct Icon#58B Pyrin NoctVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlRelaxaurus Lux Icon#85B Relaxaurus LuxVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMenasting Icon#99 MenastingVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlLyleen Icon#104 LyleenVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlBeakon Icon#73 BeakonBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice ReptyroBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlLyleen Noct Icon#104B Lyleen NoctBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlCryolinx Icon#83 CryolinxIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlAstegon Icon#98 AstegonIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlOrserk Icon#106 OrserkIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlFrostallion Icon#110 FrostallionIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlSuzaku Icon#102 SuzakuSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlShadowbeak Icon#107 ShadowbeakSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlBlazamut Icon#96 BlazamutElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku AquaElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlPaladius Icon#108 PaladiusAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlNecromus Icon#109 NecromusAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlJetragon Icon#111 JetragonAnubis Icon#100 Anubis

Palworld Direhowl Active Skills

Direhowl has 7 active skills beside his primary partner skill Direhowl Rider.

Skill NameSkill DescriptionUnlock Lv.
Fierce FangDirehowl‘s special skill. Swiftly leaps at an enemy and bites into them.1
Sand BlastHurls sticky mud at an enemy.7
Air CannonQuickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.15
Power ShotCharges energy into a focused blast.22
Ignis BlastHurls a ball of fire straight at an enemy.30
Power BombCharges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.40
Pal BlastCharges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.50
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