Palworld Dedicated Server Difficulty Change Explained
Not sure how to change difficulty on a dedicated server in Palworld? When players create a dedicated server for their sessions with friends, they are offered a vast array of options to customize their experience and fine-tune various settings. However, it seems that many players are having trouble finding dedicated server difficulty settings in Palworld. Read on as we explain all you need to know about this feature of Palworld.

How to Change Difficulty on a Dedicated Server in Palworld
So, where is the option to change difficulty on a dedicated server in Palworld? In order to do this, you need to optimize the game balance for that specific server via the configuration file. The file features an extensive list of options which you can tweak as you please by simply changing values in the document. Here’s where you will be able to find the configuration file on your PC:
- For Windows (Steam and SteamCMD) – steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/PalWorldSettings.ini
- For Linux (SteamCMD) – steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini
Once you open the file, the first thing you need to do is to change the “difficulty=none” parameter to “difficulty=hard” if you want the game to be harder. This should change the overall level of difficulty to Hard on your Palworld dedicated server. However, some players report that simply changing this parameter does not work for them. It seems like nothing changed. Unfortunately, if you are one of those players, you will need to change every balance parameter in the configuration file manually.
The good thing with this method is that you will be able to fine-tune specific aspects of gameplay. For example, you want your Pals to heal at a faster rate (make the aspect of the game easier), but you want combat to be more challenging, so you can lower your Pals’ overall combat stats. Thus, if you can’t change your Palworld dedicated server difficulty directly, we advise you to experiment with available options until you find the right combination of values that perfectly suits the level of difficulty you want for that server. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section!