Best Place to Farm Electric Organ Palworld
In our Best Place to Farm Electric Organ Palworld guide, we are going to cover several important things on the subject. First, we’ll explain how to get Electric Organs in Palworld. After that, we’ll tell you the best place to farm for them. Last, but not list, we will give you a list of all the things you can use Electric Organs for.

How to Get Electric Organ in Palworld
Before we get to the best place to farm them, we need to explain how to get the Electric Organ in Palworld. Basically, you have to hunt down Electric-type Pals. Those are the ones that have a chance to drop an Electric Organ upon death. You can see the full list of them below. Granted, some of them are easier to bring down that others, which makes them prime targets for farming. More on that in the next section. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of farming, here’s the list of all your option, just so you can go for whichever works best for you. Also, you can get it from the merchant for 200 gold a pop.
- Beakon
- Dazzi
- Grizzbolt
- Jolthog
- Mossanda Lux
- Rayhound
- Relaxaurus Lux
- Sparkit
- Univolt
Where to Farm Electric Organ in Palworld – Best Farming Locations
There are a few places where you can farm a whole bunch of Electric Organs in Palworld. The absolute best one, though, is the white and red zone near the center, northwest of the starting point. Sparkits spawn around the center of that zone, from the north all the way down to the south, and Jolthogs spawn through the entire southeast of the area. It’s a regular electrothon over there. Both Pals do also spawn other places, but there’s no reason to look elswhere. Both Jolthogs and Sparkits are easy to bring down.

How to Use Electric Organ?
Now that we know the best place to farm the Electric Organ material in Palworld, it’s time that we explain what you actually use it for. Well, as we’ve just said, it’s a material, and it’s a necessary component in making items that require electricity. Most of them fall under the category of Technology, and include things like the Power Generator, several different types of electric lighting, etc. But there are two weapons as well; namely, the Shock Grenade and the Stun Baton. In fact, here’s the full list.
- Technology
- Antique Lamp Set
- Ceiling Lamp
- Electric Mine
- Electric Pylon
- Emergency Exit Sign Set
- Jolthog’s Gloves
- Lamp
- Power Generator
- Street Lamp Set
- Univolt Saddle
- Weapons
- Shock Grenade
- Stun Baton