Overwatch Summer Games Return August 8th, New Patch is Live
The Overwatch Summer Games event is coming back in August 8th. The event will introduce new skins, and it will update Lucioball mode. On top of that, you’ll also be able to get skins and cosmetics from last year’s Summer Games event. Lucioball will also get a new stadium, a competitive ranked mode, and some rules are going to change. The event will wrap up on August 29th, and you’ll be able to play it on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Overwatch players can look forward to this year’s Summer Games event. It will take place from August 8th to August 29th, on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The event’s crux seems to be Lucioball, which is coming back to Overwatch for a limited time. The mode will feature a competitive ranked mode, and the new Sydney stadium, together with the Rio one. Blizzard is introducing some adjustments to the rules, though: players will no longer be able to “boop” their opponents with Lucio’s Soundwave.
As far as the cosmetics go, the event will bring a number of new ones. You’ll also have the opportunity to purchase cosmetics from last year’s event at a lower price. Here are the prices you can expect, according to Blizzard (via Polygon):
Summer Games 2017 cosmetics
- Legendary Skins – 3.000 credits
- Epic Skins – 1.000 credits
- Rare tier – 225 credits
- Common tier – 75 credits
Summer Games 2016 cosmetics
- Legendary Skins – 1.000 credits
- Epic Skins – 250 credits
- Rare tier – 75 credits
In other Overwatch news, a new minor Overwatch patch has been released. The hero fixes deal with Reinhardt’s Charge and bugs in Doomfist skin rendering. You can check out the full patch notes below.
General bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented the party leader from entering the Training Menu
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused crashes when players were attempting to purchase loot boxes
Heroes bug fixes
- Fixed several bugs causing Doomfist skins to render incorrectly
- Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented Reinhardt’s Charge from knocking back enemies