Overwatch 2 Phone Number Problem Solution With Pre-Paid, VoIP, Google Phone
Starting from October 4th, 2022, all players, regardless of the platform they are playing on, will be required to add a phone number to their battle.net account. Otherwise, they won’t be able to launch Overwatch 2. The same number cannot be used on multiple accounts, and you can’t use the same phone number to create multiple accounts. Also, this phone number needs to have the option to use SMS Protect. This is a security measure that is used to do things such as recover your account in event of compromise, and so on. Because of that, there is a problem with using pre-paid, VoIP, Google Phone, and similar phone options as your phone number in Overwatch 2, and players are looking for a solution. In particular, there is a problem with Metro and Cricket providers. Luckily, there are ways around this, and we’re going to explain them all here.

How to Solve Overwatch 2 Phone Number Problem
To begin with, you should go to your battle.net account and see if it will accept your phone number. For some players, their pre-paid numbers work, so this should be your first step. If won’t accept your phone number, then you can try one of these other methods. A good idea here is to see if you have family members that don’t play battle.net games (such as your older siblings, parents, or grandparents) and see if you can use their phone number for this. Note that you will still need to use this number to confirm some things via SMS Protect. But this is typically done only in cases of big changes to your account, so these instances should be rare.
Finally, it appears that the Talkatone app works here. As you can see in this Reddit thread, several players have managed to get it to work like this. Download the app, but don’t get the monthly subscription. Instead, you can get 60 credits for $0.99. Once you have made that purchase, you should then be able to use this app for this. Just don’t forget to send text messages from the app from time to time so that you don’t lose your number.