New Overwatch Hero is Wrecking Ball, or Hammond the Hamster

Wrecking Ball, the new Overwatch Hero, is now live on the Overwatch PTR. He’s another tank, with a lot of cool-sounding abilities. His real name is Hammond, and he’s a hamster, as an observant Reddit user figured out ahead of time. After testing, Wrecking Ball will be available for all.

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New Overwatch Hero is Wrecking Ball, or Hammond the Hamster
New Overwatch Hero is Wrecking Ball, or Hammond the Hamster

Blizzard has finally announced the new Overwatch hero, which they have been teasing for a while now. Wouldn’t you know it, it’s just about the most adorable character I’ve seen in a video game in a long, long while. Say hello to Hammond the Hamster, better known by his battle pseudonym, Wrecking Ball. First off all, congratulations to Reddit user stmaurer who figured out that Wrecking ball is a hamster ahead of time. Secondly, Wrecking Ball is now live on Overwatch PTR, so you can already give him a spin. Later on, after testing is over, you can expect Hammond to become available for all. If you’re curious about Hammond’s origin story, you can check out the short video below.

As for the gameplay aspect of Wrecking Ball, he’s another tank character. He has several cool-sounding abilities, so let’s take a quick look. The first order of business is Quad Cannons, which is pretty self-explanatory. Then, there’s Roll, where Wrecking Ball turns into, well, a ball, increasing maximum movement speed and causing a lot of mayhem. Next up is Grappling Claw, which allows you to attach to a surface and tetherball into enemies. Then, we have Minefield, which, as the name implies, deploys a field of proximity mines. Adaptive Shields creates personal shields, with the amount increasing the more enemies are nearby. Lastly, we have Piledriver. You slam into the ground to both damage opponents and launch them into the air.

For more info on Hammond, aka Wrecking Ball, you can check out the full First Look post on the official Overwatch website. Which leaves only one question: Who has it in them to kill such an adorable little bastard?

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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