Overwatch 2 Merge Accounts Not Working Fix
In our Overwatch 2 Merge Accounts Not Working Fix guide, we are going to cover some of the most common causes for this issue and what you can do about it. The point of the system is to allow returning players to merge their Overwatch accounts with the sequel and carry over all their hard-earned stuff. So, of course any issue with the process is going to cause a lot of anger, since you might lose years of work.

Overwatch 2 Account Merge Not Working Fix
There are a few things that you can try in order to fix the issue where the accounts merge in Overwatch 2 is not working properly. First off, you need to know what the limitations are. For one, you can only merge one account per platform. So, if you have two or more accounts on the platform you are attempting the merging on, be sure that you’re using the correct one. When you choose the Account Merge option, you’ll get the prompt to confirm your account for merge. If it’s the wrong one, simply choose “Switch Accounts” at the bottom of the screen and select the one you want. Also, make sure to check if your internet connection is sound, as well as the status of the servers. If any of these problems exist, delay the merge until they’re fixed.
One more thing that you need to know if your merge accounts in Overwatch 2 is not working is that you apparently only get one chance to do the merger on your platform. This is a problem considering that the process is kinda busted. Unfortunately, aside from making sure that the servers are okay and double-checking your connection, there’s not much more you can do at the moment. Aside from contacting Blizzard Support, of course, especially if you’ve lost all your hard-earned stuff from the first Overwatch. The louder you are, the better the odds the developers will issue a patch promptly. Just don’t harass the staff. Also, if you know of any other fixes, let us know in the comments. For more info on the subject, check out our Overwatch 2 Account Merge & Cross-Progression Explained guide.