Overwatch 2 Friends List Empty Fix
Not sure how to fix the friend list not working error in Overwatch 2? The sequel to the insanely popular 2016 hero shooter is finally here! Alas, the launch hasn’t gone without quite a few problems. From server issues to missing items, there’s definitely no shortage of bugs in OW2. One of these bugs, which has players particularly worried, makes all player’s friends missing. Why are your friends gone in Overwatch 2 and how to bring them back? In our guide, we explain how to fix the Overwatch 2 Friends friends not showing bug.

Overwatch 2 Friends List Not Showing Up Fix
By now Overwatch is a six-year-old game. Many veteran players have made quite a few friends along the way, and thus, it can be really stressful to see that your friend list is suddenly empty in OW2. It’s easy to re-add your friends from real-life or others whom you know and have in other places online. But for those friends with whom your only connection is Battle.net, it can be devastating to suddenly see them disappear from your OW2 friend list. And that’s why the Overwatch 2 friends list empty bug is so scary. So, can this be fixed?
Luckily, this is not a permanent bug and can easily be fixed. First and foremost, restarting the game should fix the friend list bug in OW2 in most cases. Thus, try that first. If that doesn’t work, try login out and back in from Battle.net / Overwatch 2. If both of these methods didn’t do the trick, restarting your PC/console might be the way to go. Finally, if you still have this problem, there is a temporary workaround. If you know your friend’s name, use chat and type /invite and the person’s name to get around the bug until it’s fixed. It’s not an ideal solution, but that’s the best you can do right now. Hopefully, Blizzard will fix this problem as soon as possible.