Outer Worlds Respec Character Location - How to Reset Skill Points
Character respec, or resetting skill points in The Outer Worlds is an option you have in the game, as is the case with most RPGs. You can use the Outer Worlds character respec whenever you feel the need to reroll your skill points, but it does come at a cost. Still, if you’re tired of, say, playing a melee character, and want to talk your way out of problems, this is the only way to do so. In our Outer Worlds Respec Character Location – How to Reset Skill Points guide, we’ll explain how to respec your character in The Outer Worlds, where to find the skill point reset location, etc.

How to Respec Character in Outer Worlds – Where to Find Skill Point Reset?
To respec your character in The Outer Worlds, you first have to unlock access to the Vocational Competence Respecification Machine. You can find this thing, from here on out referred to as the VCRM, on your ship, the Unreliable. This means that you’ll first have to complete the entirety of the tutorial mission. This shouldn’t take too long, depending on your approach. I don’t wanna give any estimates, but trust me, you’ll be in The Unreliable soon enough. Now, there’s the matter of where to find the VCRM.
From the entrance into the ship, hang a left, go into the room, and head straight for the yellow ladder that’s on the far side. Climb up, and follow the catwalk all the way to the left. You’ll end up right at the VCRM. It looks like a large, old-school sewing machine. Interact with it, and follow the button prompt if you want to accept the price. The first time you respec, you’ll have to pay 500 Bits, so be sure that you have the money to spare.
One thing we absolutely have to mention before we start wrapping up is that the cost of respecing goes up every time you do it. So, yeah; if you decide to respec, really make it count every time. If you overdo it, you’ll be paying your weight in Bits, and trust me, you’ll be needing that cash for other stuff, such as unlocking Byzantium.
And that’s how you respec your character in The Outer Worlds. If ever you feel like you need to reroll your character, go back to the ship and have at it. And don’t feel bad if you’ve missed the machine. The fact of the matter is, as I’ve mentioned already, the VCRM is a bit off to the side, and it’s fairly easy to miss.
*** Spoiler Alert ***
I didn’t use any money to get the navkey for Byzantium, just follow the main missions for Phineas and he will give you the key for free, Sophia will call you on your ship later anyway to talk. You will have the option of putting the code (fake or not) on Phineas lab too. Doing this you will skip the cartographer mission, it star to be almost the same from the last mission she give you (kill everyone on Edgewater). Easy peasy, without betraying Phineas and spending money. Great game anyway, I really loved playing it.