Outer Worlds Best Starting Builds, Attributes & Skills
Starting builds are a big issue when starting to play Outer Worlds. The attributes and skills you choose then will shape your entire playthrough, and you might bar yourself from stuff you’d like just by making the wrong choice at the very beginning, while you still know nothing of the game. You can spend hours reading the descriptions and in-game tool tips, or you can just check out our Outer Worlds best starting builds guide, which will suggest the best choices for every style of play.

Where to invest Attribute and Skill points
At the start of the game, during character creation, you can spend 6 points on attributes, 2 on skills and 1 on an aptitude. While attribute and skill points have a deep impact on the game, the aptitude just adds a personal touch to your history. You can gain more points by lowering one of your attributes – the default for everything is 6, so lowering it to 5 will give you a point to spend elsewhere. You can invest up to 3 points in any one attribute, since 9 is the cap.
Before you invest any points, all your starting attributes will have a base level of 6, which is average. Investing one point into an attribute will increase the corresponding skills by 3 if the new level is 7, 4 if it’s 8 or 5 if it’s 9. For example, investing one point into intelligence would raises long guns, persuade, hack, medical, science and determination by 3 each. This means you can improve the specific skills you want by 12 points just by beefing up a single attribute. Now, since there’s more than one attribute that has an impact on some skills, you can boost these numbers up to 30 by maxing out attributes. For example, you can do this for two handed melee with investing into strength and temperament.
The attribute points are the most important part of the build, since you can’t improve them afterwards. Thankfully, the game allows you to finely tune your build by taking away points from one attribute and investing into another. This can have a “negative” impact, and even open up some new gameplay options, like unlocking dumb dialog options if you lower your intelligence.
The two skills points you can spend at the start can increase a skill by 10 each. This raises the bar to 40, if you’ve maxed out an attribute or two. This is extremely important, because if you want to reach level 100 with a skill, you’ll need to keep these points invested into the same places. For example, if you invested 3 points into strength, you’ll want to spend the two skill points on either melee, defense, dialog or leadership.
The final touch during character creation are the aptitude options. You can only add up to one point through this process, so it serves more as background information than anything else.
One Handed Melee Build
Attribute: +3 points to strength and dexterity;
Skills: melee and defense;
Aptitude: sub sous chef
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Two Handed Melee Build
Attribute: +3 points to strength and temperament;
Skills: melee and defense;
Aptitude: bureaucrat, rank 0 (you can go with the other ones as well, especially the ones with other defensive perks);
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Handguns Build
Attribute: +3 points to strength and dexterity;
Skills: Ranged priority, as secondary either stealth (to reach lockpick 40) or melee (1-handed 28) and tech (engineering 28);
Aptitude: If you go with tech as secondary, the best aptitude is elevator operations specialist, otherwise it’s all the same;
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Long Guns Build
Attribute: +3 points to intellect and perception;
Skills: Ranged priority, as secondary either tech (medical, science and engineer at 28) or stealth (hack and lockpick at 28), leadership (determination 28), dialog (persuade 28);
Aptitude: If you go with tech as secondary, then elevator operations specialist, medical technician junior grade or scientist assistant level 0 class A;
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Let’s Talk Build
Attribute: priority +3 points to Charm, secondary depends on what dialog skill you want to focus on. For persuade, put +3 to Intelligence, for lie – +3 to temperament, for intimidate – +3 to strength;
Skills: Dialog as priority, second best is stealth (hack at 28), tech (science at 28) or leadership (inspiration at 28);
Aptitude: For persuade, go with the cashier sub-grade non-supervisory, or tossball team mascot if you want plus one on inspiration;
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Companion Build
You can have inspiration and determination-heavy companion builds. They both impact your companions in some way, but this build tries to focus on something between these two worlds.
Attribute: +3 points to charm, +3 points to temperament (for two handed melee combat) or +3 points to intellect (for long guns combat);
Skills: Leadership is a priority, melee a good secondary if you chose Temperament, or ranged if intellect is your thing;
Aptitude: No discernible aptitude (determination +1) or tossball team mascot (inspiration +1);
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Hard Mode Build
I’ve tried to ruin the build as much as I could. Is it going to be that bad? Be the first to find out.
Attribute: -1 point to strength, intellect and temperament, +3 points to dexterity, perception, charm;
Skills: leadership and melee;
Aptitude: medical technician junior grade ;
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If you have some great builds of your own to share, please leave them in the comment section, and we’ll be sure to add the best ones to the article.