Vy'keen Optional Quests & Conversations | No Man's Sky
Vy’keen Optional Conversations are a type of puzzle in No Man’s Sky. When you meet a Vy’keen alien, they’ll sometimes present you with a situation you can respond to in several ways.
Usually, only one of the choices will yield great rewards. It’s often hard to foresee which option leads to a favorable outcome. In this guide, we’re going to show you Vy’keen optional quests in No Man’s Sky, which answers lead to the best rewards.

The warrior pulls open the trade vault at its feet, which seems to be piled high with multi-tool upgrades. It indicates the contents of my inventory as a trade…
2. Description: A red, jagged and recent bite mark is wrapped around the entirety of the warrior’s neck. Claw marks have been dragged through its chest, and its suit’s restoration and healing systems are blinking offline.
The lifeform barks contentedly at me, satisfied with its narrow victory. It’s clear, however, that its injuries are severe. It has trouble breathing.
3. Description: The warrior’s facial markings draw into a smirk as it looks me up and down. I feel like I’m being sized up as a potential combatant. The creature points to an intriguing blueprint on its screen, then points to its own face. I’m being goaded into punching it.
4. Description: The panicked lifeform is studying a diagram of two warriors in combat, while a chosen form of multi-tool weaponry sits below in a storage vault.
An angry recorded message is playing. It’s a sequence of furious barks and screams that clearly have a moral high ground. The lifeform sees the battle-scars on my exosuit, and instantly yelps a question.
5. Description: The warrior’s nostrils flare in hope and expectation. A holographic image showing military plans appears around us.
On one side of the battlefield stands the creature’s own warrior race, and on the other the robotic Sentinels. The warrior demands that I point to one side or the other.
6. Description: The warrior is young and looks terrified. Military orders for an upcoming operation fill it’s terminal screen. When it sees me it’s eyes widen, and it drops to the floor on its knees – proffers its multi-tool up towards me.
Its yelps sound pleading. The fear in its movements are more than apparent. It’s so on edge that it doesn’t seem aware of the security cameras that surround us, watching its every move.
7. Description: The warrior seems furiuous with igself. It slams its multi-tool onto a nearby surface and pulls the trigger again and again, but nothing happens.
All weapons systems look functional, but their end result is nothing more than a hollow and empty click. The lifeform looks at you expectantly.
7b. Description: The lifeform clicks its heels together in an authoritarian fashion, before plunging a syringe dripping with corrosive green liquid into my arm. Holographic images of two alien races appear in my visor – a small reptilian figure, and a taller lifeform in a metal casing.
The warrior snarls at me, and its fingers hover over the injector – which can surely cause damage to life, limb or equipment. It begins its interrogation…
7c. Description: The warrior looks up from a screen of flashing alerts. It bares its teeth at me, and quivers with barely contained fury.
It’s clear that my presence is barely tolerated here. Its hand reaches to its weapon.
8. Description: The warrior is browsing a map of the surrounding landscape. Certain areas contain markings that represent Sentinels, which the lifeform is highlighting with an excited snarl.
It strokers its boltcaster absentmindedly, before checking the ammo charge stored in the clip. On this, its eyes jolt up towards me. It barks a question, but it sounds more like a command.
9. Description: The warrior barks abruptly and flourishes a knife. IT stares directly into my eyes as it draws the blade over the palm of its hand. Black bubbles of blood emerge through the slit in its glove.
It hands me the knife, clearly wanting me to reciprocate. It barks a little challenge, and pats the trade vault it’s sitting next to. This will probably hurt…
10. Description: The warrior nods at me, before taking a small metal idol from the vault at its feet. As it clutches it, its eyes glaze over in a strange white sheen. I hear it mutter strange incantations that get louder, then louder again.
Without waiting to ask permission, it thrusts its hands into my inventory. They burn with a strange intensity – seeming to reach for the elements it presumes are within. The experience is terrifying.
11. Description: The warrior is old, and of a high rank. It takes its time studying my body, and my equipment – and snarls with disapproval. It grabs my visor suddenly, and watches me instinctively flinch and recoil. It lets me go and rolls its eyes while I fall back in shock.
The lifeform’s disdain is polpable. I think of ways to turn this encounter around…
12. Description: The warrior is building a nuclear warhead. The plans it holds in its hand are unmistakeable. A complicated sequence of technology blueprints and isotopic chemical reactions is waiting for the final addition of an element to be complete.
There are countless lives on an unknown planet, far out in the cosmos, tha twould one day end due to this lifeform’s work…
13. Description: As I approach, the warrior appears alert and welcoming. Suddenly, however, a personal alarm sounds from its datapad. The lifeform instinctively falls into some kind of trance. Its eyes mist over, it stares straight through me and it mumbles the same strange mantra over and over again.
The trading vault at its feet appears unlocked, but there are security observation cameras dotted around the facility…
14. Description: The warrior is tracking the paths of hundreds of warships across a galactic map, all converging on the same planetary system. This does not bode particularly well for the system in question… which appears to be populated by beaked traders of some variety.
A course plotted by the warrior itself has come up short. It cannot make the complete journey. It slams its fist against the terminal and howls until spittle flecks my visor.
15. Description: The warrior’s nostrils flare as I approach. It inhales deeply and barks out what could be a warning. I hurriedly mime that I am peaceful, and know little of its kind or language.
It takes a second to think, then suddenly grabs my multi-tool while barking again into my visor – streaking it with saliva. It’s pointing at the indicator that shows which elements I carry. I do my best to keep calm.
16. Description: The storage vault at the warrior’s feet shows clear signs of tampering. In fact, an explosive device has been attached to its hinges. The lifeform sees my shocked expression, and yelps in amusement.
The bomb needs fuel for ignition, which would most likely blow the vault wide open. The warrior impatiently tries to explain what should happen next…
17. Description: The warrior seems pleased to see me. It barks twice, then retrieves two carved objects from behind its terminal. They are old, and it feels strange to see such ancient creations inside a technological hive like this…
The first is a chipped and bloody blade. The second is a battered shield.
18. Description: The warrior looks at me with fire in its eyes. This species is clearly aggressive, and I doubt I’m welcome, yet the lifeform bows in greeting. Tradition and honor perhaps dictates it.
I don’t feel in imminent danger, and am about to turn and leave when the creature points towards my multi-tool. It barks with concern, and makes a motion to suggest that I should hand it over.
19. Description: The downbeat lifeform is studying the image of another young warrior on its pad. The pictured warrior looks virile and impressive. It has facial tendrils that are outstretched. It appears rich, of good breeding stock. The look in its eyes is… sultry.
The lifeform looks to me with questioning eyes. It clearly needs someone to talk through this with.
20. Description: The floor feels unsteady, and something clicks beneath my feet. The screen locks. Systems are aware I’m not the lifeform that usually operates here…
Thanks to Jake, The Doctor, naknuknik, Cassandra C, Dragonrott, SweetDreams, Kat, Vicio, Jay, Mavrick88, Sean-Jigglepuf, sd92 and veny for the additional info.

Vy’keen dialogue options
1. Description: The warrior is silent for a second, before looking at me conspiratorially. It looks behind to check for its colleagues, before powering down security systems.The warrior pulls open the trade vault at its feet, which seems to be piled high with multi-tool upgrades. It indicates the contents of my inventory as a trade…
- Threaten to report (Vy’keen Accomplice or above) – This one will increase your Vy’keen reputation.
- Give Isotope (100 Carbon) – You’ll get a blueprint and decreased Vy’keen reputation
- Offer units (1000 UNITS)
2. Description: A red, jagged and recent bite mark is wrapped around the entirety of the warrior’s neck. Claw marks have been dragged through its chest, and its suit’s restoration and healing systems are blinking offline.
The lifeform barks contentedly at me, satisfied with its narrow victory. It’s clear, however, that its injuries are severe. It has trouble breathing.
- Walk away
- Share Oxygen – A little money and increased Vy’keen reputation
- Recharge warrior’s suit (100 Carbon) – This will reward you with a new multi-tool and increased standing with the Vy’keen.
3. Description: The warrior’s facial markings draw into a smirk as it looks me up and down. I feel like I’m being sized up as a potential combatant. The creature points to an intriguing blueprint on its screen, then points to its own face. I’m being goaded into punching it.
- Refuse to attack
- Strike the warrior – You’ll get a blueprint and some Vy’keen reputation
4. Description: The panicked lifeform is studying a diagram of two warriors in combat, while a chosen form of multi-tool weaponry sits below in a storage vault.
An angry recorded message is playing. It’s a sequence of furious barks and screams that clearly have a moral high ground. The lifeform sees the battle-scars on my exosuit, and instantly yelps a question.
- Report cowardice (Vy’keen Ally or above) – A blueprint and increased Vy’keen standing
- Refuse
- Accept
5. Description: The warrior’s nostrils flare in hope and expectation. A holographic image showing military plans appears around us.
On one side of the battlefield stands the creature’s own warrior race, and on the other the robotic Sentinels. The warrior demands that I point to one side or the other.
- Point to the sentinels
- Point to the warriors – Increased Vy’keen standing and a crafting schematic
6. Description: The warrior is young and looks terrified. Military orders for an upcoming operation fill it’s terminal screen. When it sees me it’s eyes widen, and it drops to the floor on its knees – proffers its multi-tool up towards me.
Its yelps sound pleading. The fear in its movements are more than apparent. It’s so on edge that it doesn’t seem aware of the security cameras that surround us, watching its every move.
- Refuse multi-tool – You’ll learn a new word and get Vy’keen rep.
- Take multi-tool – You’ll get a new multi-tool, but your Vy’keen reputation will decrease.
7. Description: The warrior seems furiuous with igself. It slams its multi-tool onto a nearby surface and pulls the trigger again and again, but nothing happens.
All weapons systems look functional, but their end result is nothing more than a hollow and empty click. The lifeform looks at you expectantly.
- Comfort warrior
- Give common isotope (100 Carbon)
- Give uncommon isotope (50 Thamium9) – This will increase your reputation among Vy’keen, and give you a blueprint.
7b. Description: The lifeform clicks its heels together in an authoritarian fashion, before plunging a syringe dripping with corrosive green liquid into my arm. Holographic images of two alien races appear in my visor – a small reptilian figure, and a taller lifeform in a metal casing.
The warrior snarls at me, and its fingers hover over the injector – which can surely cause damage to life, limb or equipment. It begins its interrogation…
- Pull rank (Vy’keen Accomplice or above) – You’ll get more Vy’keen reputation, along with an item.
- Claim ignorance
- Surrender information
7c. Description: The warrior looks up from a screen of flashing alerts. It bares its teeth at me, and quivers with barely contained fury.
It’s clear that my presence is barely tolerated here. Its hand reaches to its weapon.
- Offer to help
- Leave the warrior alone – You’ll get Vy’keen reputation, and some units.
8. Description: The warrior is browsing a map of the surrounding landscape. Certain areas contain markings that represent Sentinels, which the lifeform is highlighting with an excited snarl.
It strokers its boltcaster absentmindedly, before checking the ammo charge stored in the clip. On this, its eyes jolt up towards me. It barks a question, but it sounds more like a command.
- Give oxide (50 Zinc)
- Refuse
- Give isotope (50 Thamium9) – You’ll get a blueprint and increased Vy’keen standing.
9. Description: The warrior barks abruptly and flourishes a knife. IT stares directly into my eyes as it draws the blade over the palm of its hand. Black bubbles of blood emerge through the slit in its glove.
It hands me the knife, clearly wanting me to reciprocate. It barks a little challenge, and pats the trade vault it’s sitting next to. This will probably hurt…
- Refuse politely
- Cut open hand (1 health) – This will grant you a ship upgrade blueprint and an increase in reputation.
10. Description: The warrior nods at me, before taking a small metal idol from the vault at its feet. As it clutches it, its eyes glaze over in a strange white sheen. I hear it mutter strange incantations that get louder, then louder again.
Without waiting to ask permission, it thrusts its hands into my inventory. They burn with a strange intensity – seeming to reach for the elements it presumes are within. The experience is terrifying.
- Fend warrior off
- Give isotope (50 Plutonium)
- Give silicate (50 Chrysonite) – You’ll get a companion unit blueprint and more reputation.
11. Description: The warrior is old, and of a high rank. It takes its time studying my body, and my equipment – and snarls with disapproval. It grabs my visor suddenly, and watches me instinctively flinch and recoil. It lets me go and rolls its eyes while I fall back in shock.
The lifeform’s disdain is polpable. I think of ways to turn this encounter around…
- Bow – This will decrease your Vy’keen reputation.
- Threaten with multi-tool – This will net you a new multi-tool and some Vy’keen reputation.
- Do a little dance
12. Description: The warrior is building a nuclear warhead. The plans it holds in its hand are unmistakeable. A complicated sequence of technology blueprints and isotopic chemical reactions is waiting for the final addition of an element to be complete.
There are countless lives on an unknown planet, far out in the cosmos, tha twould one day end due to this lifeform’s work…
- Inform threatened species (Gek Friend or above)
- Refuse to help
- Complete warhead manufacture (50 Plutonium) – This will lead to increased Vy’keen standing, over 1k units and a blueprint.
13. Description: As I approach, the warrior appears alert and welcoming. Suddenly, however, a personal alarm sounds from its datapad. The lifeform instinctively falls into some kind of trance. Its eyes mist over, it stares straight through me and it mumbles the same strange mantra over and over again.
The trading vault at its feet appears unlocked, but there are security observation cameras dotted around the facility…
- Open trading vault
- Leave the warrior alone – This will increase your standing with them, and give you a blueprint.
- Wake warrior – This will decrease your standing with the race.
14. Description: The warrior is tracking the paths of hundreds of warships across a galactic map, all converging on the same planetary system. This does not bode particularly well for the system in question… which appears to be populated by beaked traders of some variety.
A course plotted by the warrior itself has come up short. It cannot make the complete journey. It slams its fist against the terminal and howls until spittle flecks my visor.
- Refuse to help
- Give fuel (50 Plutonium) – This will net you a blueprint and some reputation.
15. Description: The warrior’s nostrils flare as I approach. It inhales deeply and barks out what could be a warning. I hurriedly mime that I am peaceful, and know little of its kind or language.
It takes a second to think, then suddenly grabs my multi-tool while barking again into my visor – streaking it with saliva. It’s pointing at the indicator that shows which elements I carry. I do my best to keep calm.
- Give isotope (10 Carbon) – You’ll learn a new Vy’keen word and get a blueprint.
- Give oxide (10 Iron)
- Give silicate (10 Heridium)
16. Description: The storage vault at the warrior’s feet shows clear signs of tampering. In fact, an explosive device has been attached to its hinges. The lifeform sees my shocked expression, and yelps in amusement.
The bomb needs fuel for ignition, which would most likely blow the vault wide open. The warrior impatiently tries to explain what should happen next…
- Report suspect behaviour (Vy’keen Ally or above) – You’ll get an increase in reputation and a blueprint.
- Use rare isotope (50 Plutonium) – This will net you a new blueprint and increased Vy’keen standing, but also some damage.
- Use uncommon isotope (50 Thamium9) – This one rewards you with a new multi-tool.
17. Description: The warrior seems pleased to see me. It barks twice, then retrieves two carved objects from behind its terminal. They are old, and it feels strange to see such ancient creations inside a technological hive like this…
The first is a chipped and bloody blade. The second is a battered shield.
- Choose the shield – Exosuit Tech
- Choose the blade – You’ll get a new multitool if you pick this.
18. Description: The warrior looks at me with fire in its eyes. This species is clearly aggressive, and I doubt I’m welcome, yet the lifeform bows in greeting. Tradition and honor perhaps dictates it.
I don’t feel in imminent danger, and am about to turn and leave when the creature points towards my multi-tool. It barks with concern, and makes a motion to suggest that I should hand it over.
- Refuse
- Hand over the multi-tool – The warrior will give you a new one.
19. Description: The downbeat lifeform is studying the image of another young warrior on its pad. The pictured warrior looks virile and impressive. It has facial tendrils that are outstretched. It appears rich, of good breeding stock. The look in its eyes is… sultry.
The lifeform looks to me with questioning eyes. It clearly needs someone to talk through this with.
- Accept on the lifeforms behalf – You’ll get a blueprint and some units.
- Advise refusal
- Advise acceptance – You’ll get a blueprint and increased standing with the Vy’keen.
20. Description: The floor feels unsteady, and something clicks beneath my feet. The screen locks. Systems are aware I’m not the lifeform that usually operates here…
- Use jet pack to hover
- Reduce weight – Blueprint, Faction standing increased.
- Advise acceptance
Thanks to Jake, The Doctor, naknuknik, Cassandra C, Dragonrott, SweetDreams, Kat, Vicio, Jay, Mavrick88, Sean-Jigglepuf, sd92 and veny for the additional info.
The Warriors nostrils flares I approach. They inhaled deeply, filling their lungs with the frozen air that is followed me into the sanctuary of this facility. They bark out it could be a warning. I heard mine that I am peaceful, and no little of their kind or language. (The lieutenant answers but I can’t understand what I say.) They take a second to think and grab my multi tool barking again into my visor streaking it with saliva. The point at the money being charge indicator, that my backpack. I do my best to keep calm.
My options are to give carbon or sodium or metal or leave.
I gave him carbon and the warrior Grenton satisfaction, impressed by both my gift at my understanding, they teach me several me words of their language.
Choose to give Carbon. This is because they are pointing at the Mutli-Tool and backpack. So to charge the multi-tool means you need to use Carbon.
I just ran into this one and I HAD to get it in here.
It starts with the Vy’Keen saying Grah! 5 times.
Description: This Vy’Keen is snorting and huffing, their nostrils inflamed and their eyes streaming. They sneeze violently, a gritty glib of mucous narrowly missing me. Suddenly realizing they are being observed, they stare back, defiant.
1) Express disgust
2) Express concern
3) Marvell at the globs size [I chose this one]
4) Leave
(Gives a name) guffaws, finding humor in their condition, before another wave of sneezing overpowers them. They wipe at the fluid tht dribbles from their eyes and nostrils. Tapping their data pad with sticky fingers, they indicate they have been scoping out a local sentinel factory, but had to shelter from a sudden dust storm. Blinded and disoriented, they’re no longer certain of their location.
1) Assist w/directions [1 Nav Data] Got a Gek Relic
2) Assist w/hazard protection [20 Sodium] Another Gek Relic
3) Assist w/stamina [1 Vy’Keen effigy] 34,000 units
The warrior stares at me with hostile, fiery eyes. I must look pitiful to them, baked and exhausted by the relentless sun. Nonetheless, the lifeform bows in greeting. Tradition and honor perhaps dictate it.
Vy’keen says something, don’t know much of the language yet.
I dont feel in danger, and am about to turn and leave when the creature points toward my Multi-tool. They bark with concern, and motion to suggest that I should hand it over.
(Hand it over) [positive] Make sure you have a bad multi-tool equines before starting conversation. They offer a replacement.
Refuse [positive]: The alien is impressed byyour refusal and hands over a multi-tool module.
The warrior is listening to angry message on their datapad. It’s a sequence of furious barks and screams that clearly have a moral high ground. The lifeform notices me and yelps pitifully.
The datapad screen has switched to display a threatening diagram, in which the warrior appears to be missing several vital parts of their anatomy. They turn to me, Imploring.
Give GrahGrah (1 Vy’keen Effigy) -> Module + Standing Increased x 1
Give Vy’keen Dagger (1 Vy’keen Dagger) -> offered Multi-Tool + Standing increased x 1
Suggest Fleeing -> standing decreased x 1
The warrior watches their brethren on a screen, a squadron of fighters holding multi-tools and blunt weapons. The squadron stands on a platform half a universe away. Off-camera, enemies appear to be screaming. Flames erupt near the feet of the warriors…
Their leader holds out their Multi-Tool, strings of energy extending forth. They begin to pluck the strings, the sounds mingling with the unholy din of blunt weapons smashed against the shells of dead Sentinels…
The watcher does not notice me, and the performance continues on the screen…
Offer units in appreciation – decreased Vy’keen standing
Interrupt the music – exosuit damage, random item
Try to copy the music – upgrade module, increased Vy’keen standing
The warrior is forlorn. They show me an image of two members of their species embracing. They appear to be weeping.
Embrace the warrior – nothing
Smash the image – Vy’keen dagger, upgrade module
Dry their tears – nothing
Ostensibly, this Vy’keen is examining the facility’s wares, but they seem to browse without purpose, fiddling with this and that.
They occasionally glances towards the sales counter, seeming to compare the merchants brawn to their own. The glances cease when I approach.
Admire their physique: you get 8k units
Admire their Multi-Tool: you get a free Multi-Tool
Remain silent: nothing
#7 update – the options are now (Beyond update August 2019)
Comfort warrior
Give 75 Compressed Carbon
Give 200 projectile ammunition – This will increase your reputation among Vy’keen, and give you a blueprint.
Can confirm! And other two options:
(1) condensed carbon = same as ammo.
(3) comfort warrior = he headbutts you, no reward.
The warrior looks up at me sharply. I have clearly interrupted their concentration. A small knife stands embedded in the surface in front of them, remarkably close to the fingers of their glove.
Watch closely
-The Vy’keen continues to practice, but the pressure of an audience causes them to be clumsy and stiff. I leave before I cost them a finger.
Make a loud noise
Though they exhibit the same strange facial features and aggressive stance as the rest of their kind, something about this warrior exudes a calm, peaceful happiness. Such contentment appears simple, but seems to elude so many.
Wish them well — I sense a great feel of calm (no reward)
Gesture angrily — My gesture seems not to affect the warrior (no reward)
4. Vy’Keen listening to an angry recording. Didn’t get a blueprint for reporting, just Vy’Keen Reputation increase. Refusing does nothing and accepting resulted in an offered multitool with damaged slots.
4. The warrior listening to an angry recording, refusal produces nothing and acceptance provides a new multitool. Sort of disappointed here that you don’t actually get to duel a Vy’Keen if you accept.
My presence has triggered a security alert. I hear elements being drawn from the two open vaults below me. On-screen: a clear countdown.
An intense exothermic elemental reaction is being charged. It’s a trap.
Remove Organic Element – Correct Answer Vy’keen Rep Increase
Remove Catalyst – Wrong Take Damage Base Stays Functional
Wait – Wrong Take Damage Base Becomes Unable To Function Properly
This warrior is different to others I have encountered… It bears the insignia of its species, yet there is something else, an air of pride and superiority. It shows me a schematic of an exocraft as large as a space station. Underneath its wheels are crudely drawn images of Gek and sentinels.
* Admire the image (5 nanites reward)
* Laugh at the image (Take damage)
* Add a weapon to it (14 nanites reward)
the floor feels unsteady, and something clicks beneath my feet.the screen locks.
systems are aware i,m not the liform that usually aperates here…
use jet pack to hover
reduce weight—blue print, v keen increas
stand on one leg
#17, choosign shield = exosuit tech
All weapons systems look functional, but their end result is nothing more than a hollow and empty click.
Give 50 Thamium9 – Not just reputation, you should also get a blueprint. I’ve got Thermal Protection Sigma..
PROTIP: If you can get something, like multitiool, and it sucks, e.g. its just 22 slots, reload from last save and try that answer again, you should get something different. Thanks to this, i now have 24 slot multi (that is maximum afaik)
The downbeat lifeform is studying the image of another young warrior on its pad. The pictured warrior looks virile and impressive. It has facial tendrils that are outstretched. It appears rich, of good breeding stock. The look in its eyes is….sultry.
The lifeform looks to me with questioning eyes. It clearly needs someone to talk through this with.
Accept on the lifeforms behalf (Receiived blueprint and some credits)
Advice refusal
Advice acceptance
Advice Acceptance got me a blue print and boosted standing with Vy’keen
Advice Acceptance granted 24 Nanite clusters (ps4) 11/12/2018
The warrior is clutching a small metal idol. As I approach, their eyes glaze over in a strange white sheen. I hear them mutter strange incantations that get louder, then louder again.
“Hirk bless the fuel! Hirk bless the weapon charge! Hirk bless the fuel! Hirk bless the weapons charg.”
Without waiting to ask permission, they thrust their hands into my inventory, searching for the elements within. They burn with a strange intensity. The experience is terrifying.
*Give metal (75 Pure Ferrite)
*Give Carbon (75 Condensed Carbon)
*Fend them off
Giving them either choice gets you nanites.
Just to let you know the third option now gives Nanites instead of a blueprint
The warrior looks at me with fire in its eyes. This species is clearly aggressive, and I doubt I’m welcome, yet the lifeform bows in greeting. Tradition and honor perhaps dictates it.
I don’t feel in imminent danger, and am about to turn and leave when the creature points towards my multi-tool. It barks with concern, and makes a motion to suggest that I should hand it over.
Hand over the multi-tool (he gives you an upgraded tool)
An addition
Description: As I approach, the warrior appears alert and welcoming. Suddenly, however, a personal alarm sounds from its datapad. The lifeform instinctively falls into some kind of trance. Its eyes mist over, it stares straight through me and it mumbles the same strange mantra over and over again.
The trading vault at its feet appears unlocked, but there are security observation cameras dotted around the facility…
Open trading vault
Leave the warrior alone – New tech and your standing increases with the race.
Wake warrior – This will decrease your standing with the race.
Also, I’d like to add to my comment, I didn’t see the part at the bottom stating the list would be updated as they continued in the game. Hopefully it didn’t come off as negative. I actually love this list and keep it open as I play.
More needs to be added to this list. I’ve ran into so many other optional conversations like the one I’m currently on isn’t listed which is for the Vy’keen and its:
“The storage vault at the warrior’s feet shows clear signs of tampering. In fact, an explosive device has been attached to its hinges. The lifeform sees my shocked expression, and yelps in amusement.
The bomb needs fuel for ignition, which would most likely blow the vault wide open. The warrior impatiently tries to explain what should happen next…”
Report suspect behaviour (Vy’keen Ally or above)
Use rare isotope (50 Plutonium) [if selected: The explosion is huge, and consumes the entire vault in flame. Shrapnel embeds itself in my knees and ankles. The pain is extreme. (You take damage.)]
Use uncommon isotope (50 Thamium9)
Also had this one:
The warrior seems pleased to see me. It barks twice, then retrieves two carved objects from behind its terminal. They are old, and it feels strange to see such ancient creations inside a technological hive like this…
The first is a chipped and bloody blade. The second is a battered shield.
Choose the shield
Choose the blade (Received a new multitool)
If you use Thamium9, the lid blows clean off and you get a new multi-tool.
And if you report suspect behaviour you get increase rep and a blueprint.
ups sorry, and for the second one, if you choose Shield, you get also rep and a suit’s blueprint.
Thanks! I didn’t know that! I reloaded my last save after taking the damage and it gave me different dialog so I didn’t get a chance to test the other options. I’ll probably post more as I come along ones not on this list.
Yeah, this list really needs to be updated because the same thing is happening with me and I don’t even know the correct answers.
I was hoping you’d have an answer to this one because it’s way to sexually awkward for me to answer bwahaha. Idk what would suit me best. http://imgur.com/a/il8s0
#11 – If you threten with your multi-tool he’ll give offer a free multi-tool and increased rep
11. Description: The warrior is old, and of a high rank. It takes its time studying my body, and my equipment – and snarls with disapproval. It grabs my visor suddenly, and watches me instinctively flinch and recoil. It lets me go and rolls its eyes while I fall back in shock.
The lifeform’s disdain is polpable. I think of ways to turn this encounter around…
Bow – This will decrease your Vy’keen reputation.
Threaten with multi-tool = You will be rewarded with a 12 slot multitool
Do a little dance
13. Description: As I approach, the warrior appears alert and welcoming. Suddenly, however, a personal alarm sounds from its datapad. The lifeform instinctively falls into some kind of trance. Its eyes mist over, it stares straight through me and it mumbles the same strange mantra over and over again.
The trading vault at its feet appears unlocked, but there are security observation cameras dotted around the facility…
Open trading vault
Leave the warrior alone – Blueprint and increase standing with Vykeen Race
Wake warrior – This will decrease your standing with the race.
An encounter i had:
The warrior is young and looks terrified. Military orders for an upcoming operation fill it’s terminal screen. When it sees me it’s eyes widen, and it drops to the floor on its knees – proffers its multi-tool up towards me.
Its yelps sound pleading. The fear in its movements are more than apparent. It’s so on edge that it doesn’t seem aware of the security cameras that surround us, watching its every move.
Refuse multi-tool
Take multi-tool (the vy’keen makes preperations to abandon it’s post while the cameras watch. Your standing with the Vy’keen decreases. You have the option of a new multitool)
It’s dialogue (*=idk the word):
* * * *! Vy’keen high * *! * * weapon!
Ive had this encounter and i tried to play it out in many ways,I must note there was a 10 slot,2 more than mine, multitool on sale right near the entrance of the building the vykeen is in,and he offered me 2 weapons on the 2 times i came to him:first a 12 slot weapon,2nd a 11 slot weapon,so the third time after reloading i came and refused and upon talking to him again it seems he and his ancestors approved of my actions and i requested to learn a word,it was warrior btw quite the fitting for the situation, then my standing increased.
One thing i regret is the first time around i bought a ship tht was a docked and didnt save afterwards,it had 26 slots for only 1.6million :/
Nevermind it somehow saved.But th eship tha ti bought at the trading centre went to the place i had docked my DLC ship.the problem is,it changed names and appeareance,but the number of slots,and my account balance seems to be the same.
#2 – Recharge warriors suit = gift multi-tool
and increase standing with vy’keen