Atlas Stones - Should You Sell Them | No Man's Sky
Atlas Stones are rare and expensive items in No Man’s Sky. They’re pretty hard to find, and if you’ve encountered them, you’re probably wondering whether it’s safe to sell them.
This guide will show you where to find Atlas Stones, what to do with them.
If you’re not interested in this particular ending – sell them all and get rich quickly. They have no other use – if you ignore the ending, they’re just another trade commodity.
What to do with Atlas Stones
Each one is worth quite a lot of money (around 70k each), but it’s unclear at first what makes them so valuable. They’re an end-game item, used to unlock one of the endings. If you want the Atlas ending, make sure you keep 10 Atlas Stones on you. Anything more than that can be sold.If you’re not interested in this particular ending – sell them all and get rich quickly. They have no other use – if you ignore the ending, they’re just another trade commodity.