Nioh Ressurector of the Hiragumo Trophy - Teakettle Fragment Locations
Ressurector of the Hiragumo is a trophy you can get in Nioh. You get it by collecting all six Hiragumo Teakettle Fragments. In this guide, we’ll show you how to unlock Ressurector of the Hiragumo trophy in Nioh, where to find teakettle fragments.

How to Get Ressurector of Hiragumo trophy in Nioh
To obtain this achievement, you have to find all of the Teakettle Fragments in the Spider Nest Castle mission in the Kinki region. The fragments are hidden away in glowing spider nests. You’ll have to pop each of them, and defeat the spider that bursts out. The safest way to destroy the nests is with an arrow. Once you kill the spider, it will drop one of the fragments. The fragments glow purple, so you can distinguish them from the other items.
You can’t miss the first two teakettle fragments. You have to destroy them in order to progress, since they’re barring doors. As the mission starts, head forward, then up the path made of webs on the right. Drop down at the end of the path, and the first glowing nest will be on the right. Destroy it, kill the spider, and take the fragment.
Open the door you just freed of the web. Cross the bridge, then head up the path on the left until you see a web-covered ledge on the right. Drop down into the courtyard. The second nest with a fragment is covering the door on the left.
Go through the door and search the house until you find the Key to the Castle Gates. Exit the room and head to the left through a wooden gate. There’s a hole in the ground on the left, so drop down. Follow the cave path until you reach a central cavern. The third glowing nest is on a large rock in the center.
Proceed through the cavern until you reach the ladder going back up. Once you climb up, head left and around. You’ll reach a gateway into a small area. After you clear it out, turn around to face the gateway. Look up and to the right, and you’ll see the fourth glowing nest on top of the guard tower.
Head back and look out for a small incline made of web on the left, the one with a few eggs on it. Walk up it, drop down and head left. You’ll be back to the area where you found the first fragment. Cross the bridge, go left and keep going left where you can until you reach the castle doors. This is where you’ll use the key we mentioned earlier. After you open the gate, head right and down the path. Follow that road until you reach the fifth glowing nest at the end.
Now for the final teakettle fragment. Head back to the gate, but this time, go left and up. Follow that path and beware the wheel demon. Keep going left around the large building and you’ll come across the last, sixth glowing nest.