Nioh Best Ninja Outfit - How to obtain Iga Jonin Set
The best Ninja armor set can be obtained through the tutorial and training missions called The Way of the Ninja. You can obtain five pieces of the set fairly early on in the game. The set pieces offer additional close combat damage, Ninjutsu power, dash endurance and more. Hattori Hanzo will be proud if you wear his set.
Note: In order to efficiently gather this set, you’ll need at least 10/15 dexterity. Since dexterity counts toward Kusarigama the most, you’ll find this set worthwhile if you are a fan of this weapon.
Where to find all Iga Jonin armor pieces
This set can drop from any ninja in the game. To make it easier, you can get all pieces in a matter of minutes in the training mission “The Way of the Ninja”. There are three The Way of the Ninja quests: Novice, Adept and Veteran. You can find these missions at the starting point of each region. They are under the “Dojo” menu.

To get the Novice and Adept mission, complete the second region – Chugoku. Now you’ll have access to these two missions. The Way of the Ninja: Adept is what we are after. Complete the Novice Ninja first and then start the Adept one. Adept Ninja is a level 40 mission, with a required level of 10 dexterity points. Defeat Hattori Hanzo, get the loot, leave the mission, then rinse and repeat until you get the whole set.
To get the The Way of the Ninja: Veteran mission you need to reach the fourth region – Tokai. The next step is to complete the level 70 main mission called “The Iga Escape”. Once more head to the Dojo and you’ll find the Veteran mission there. It is a level 65 mission with 15 minimum required dexterity. Play and replay the mission until you get all the pieces of the set.
Tip: By defeating Hattori Hanzo, you have a chance to get the smithing text for the set. Give to the blacksmith Senji Tome, and she will be able to craft all the pieces.
Head of the Iga Ninja Set Stats
The entire set consists of seven pieces. Some of the most interesting bonuses are also mentioned. The Amrita you earn while using them is a quite a bonus. For this specific level of the set, the wearer needs to have at least 12 body and 13 skill points invested.
- Oninamida Muramasa – Sword (skill Ki reduction, parry)
- Onikiba Kusarigama (parry critical)
- Iga Jonin Appareal: Hachigane – Head (damage from behind)
- Iga Jonin Appareal: Do – Chest (life)
- Iga Jonin Appareal: Kote – Hands (attack)
- Iga Jonin Appareal: Hizayoroi – Legs (running speed, toughness)
- Iga Jonin Appareal: Suneate – Boots (toughness)

Set bonuses count towards all seven pieces. Bonus stats for the first four pieces vary due to average level of the set items in them. The fifth and seventh bonus set stats remain the same. The numbers below are for the average gear level of 70.
- 2 Pieces
- Damage Reduction – 1.2%
- Recover Ninjutsu Items (Finished Using Living Weapon) – 38%
- 4 Pieces
- Close Combat Damage – +6.8%
- Ninjutsu Power – +62
- 5 Pieces
- Dash Endurance – 20.0%
- 7 Pieces
- Ninjutsu Damage Bonus – A