Kodama Soul Core - How to Get in Nioh 2 - Friend to the Kodama Trophy
Nioh 2 Kodama Soul Core is a special item in the game that, among other things, unlocks the Friend to the Kodama trophy. To obtain the Kodama Soul Core, there’s a number of hoops that you’ll have to jump through in order to get it, including finding a Sudama and a lot of luck. So, in our Kodama Soul Core – How to Get in Nioh 2 – Friend to the Kodama Trophy guide, we’re going to show you everything you need to know on the matter.

How to Get Nioh 2 Kodama Soul Core & Friend to the Kodama Achievement?
To get a Kodama Soul Core and earn the Friend to the Kodama Trophy in Nioh 2, you first have to find a Sudama and give them Soul Cores. They look like a purple, zombie-Kodama. They are found in fixed locations in a number of missions. For example, the first Sudama is in the second main mission, The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames, not far from the burning village (more info in our Nioh 2 Sudama Locations – How to Trade – Sudama Swapper Trophy guide). You can trade with Sudama by offering them gifts, and getting stuff in return.
Once you find a Sudama, offer them Soul Cores, and in return, there’s a small chance that you’ll get a Kodama Soul Core in return. Any Soul Cores will do; however, Cores of higher levels seem to increase your odds. Although, I’ve also seen people mention that Mortal Cores work well. No matter which Soul Cores you use, you’ll have to get extremely lucky for the Sudama to drop the Kodama Core. Ultimately, which Soul Cores you will gamble away is up to you.
Once you do manage to squeeze the Kodama Soul Core from the Sudama, you’ll earn the Friend to the Kodama trophy. Incidentally, if you’re wondering how to get Soul Cores, they drop from powerful Yokai, including, of course, Boss Yokai. Make sure to see which of them fit your play style, and try to hold on to them as you play the Sudama Soul Core roulette.
Before we wrap up here, I know that odds are good that you’ll need help with something else in the game. If that is the case with you, we have a growing number of Nioh 2 guides for you to check out, like Mezuki Boss Fight, How to Pray at a Defiled Shrine, and Best Starting Weapons & Guardian Spirit Combo For Beginners.
Nioh 2 doesn't pull any punches, so you might get stuck before you've even begun playing. We've written a guide to help you choose your starting weapon and guardian spirit, and another that shows how to reset skills if you invest in the wrong ones. Once you've dug in, you'll probably want to know how to unlock onmyo magic & ninja proficiency skills, or how to change and use Yokai Shift forms. Getting more skill points is always a priority, which is why we've written about locks of hair locations. If you're hunting rare soul cores, you'll probably want to know about the Mujina locations - finding them is tricky.