Nier Replicant Watermelon - Yonah's Gift

Yonah’s Gift is a quest in Nier Replicant that requires you to get a watermelon as a present. This can be a little tricky, because, as far as we can tell, you can only find watermelons in one location. Plus, there are two routes that you can take, one direct, and one that’s longer, but cheaper. That being the case, in our Nier Replicant Watermelon – Yonah’s Gift guide, we’ll show you where to find watermelons, and how to get them.

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nier replicant watermelon yonahs gift
Nier Replicant Watermelon – Yonah’s Gift

Where to Find Watermelon in Nier Replicant Yonah’s Gift Quest

To find a watermelon in the Nier Replicant Yonah’s Gift quest, you need to go to Facade, aka the large city in the desert. If you’ve gotten to this point in the game, you know where it is. Once you get to Facade, you have two avenues that you can follow. If you have 800 Gold burning a hole in your pocket, you can simply go to the local grocery store and just buy a watermelon. No fuss, no muss.

where to find watermelon nier replicant yonahs gift
You can buy a watermelon in the Facade grocery store

If you wanna go the long, albeit cheaper route, you can go the Item Shop in Facade (location provided below). Once you get there, purchase a watermelon seed. Well, probably get a couple, just in case. Then, head over to your farm and plant the seeds. After a while, you can harvest the Nier Replicant watermelon, and you can give it to Yonah to complete the quest. This is definitely the longer way around, but it is cheaper. Plus, you can presumably sell the other watermelons you grow to even end up in the black.

So, that’s where you find a watermelon for the Yonah’s Gift quest. If you need further help with Nier Replicant, we’ve got a number of other guides that you can check out. Among others, we’ve written Where To Find The Aerie Chief, Where to Find Titanium Alloy, and Shark, Rice, Mushroom – Bon Appetit.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. T
    Tylar McLaughlin

    You can also get watermelon from the Seaside Market, which I think is a little easier to get to.

    1. T
      Tylar McLaughlin

      I was thinking of Melon. Nevermind.