Runaway Son Location Nier Replicant

Nier Replicant Runaway Son is a quest that will require you to figure out where to find a man with a strange hat. This is way easier said than done, because the quest doesn’t tell you the location of the runaway. To make things worse, he’s really in a place that you wouldn’t think to look. After that, you have to find him all over again, with even less to go on. So, in our Runaway Son Location Nier Replicant guide, we’ll show you where to find the guy, as well as his second location.

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runaway son location nier replicant
Runaway Son Location Nier Replicant

Where to Find Runaway Son in Nier Replicant

To find the Runaway Son location in Nier Replicant remaster for the first time, you need to go to the east of Seafront, in the docks area. Remember, you’re looking for a person that’s wearing a strange hat. Before that, though, I recommend spending some time in Northern Plains farming goats and sheep until you have 5 Mutton and 3 Goat Meat. Then, head south to Seafront, and head to the east of the town. Once there, you’ll spot a dude wearing a blue apron and what looks like a witch’s hat under one of the trees. That is indeed the Runaway Son you’re looking for, so have a chat with him, then go back to the quest giver and talk with them to get the next step of the quest.

Nier Replicant Runaway Son Second Location

The second location of the Runaway Son in Nier Replicant ver 1.2247 is in the city of Facade, which you reach by crossing the desert. As soon as you enter Facade and walk onto the large balcony, look to your right (which is south on the map). You’ll see two masked residents a little bit off in the distance (check out the screenshots to see the exact location). Have a chat with both of them, and they’ll tell you about a man with a strange hat that’s moved in recently. The game will then mark a nearby door for you. Interact with it, and you’ll see the Runaway Son again.

He will juke you out and run into the desert. Chase after him and keep going until he finally stops. Then, go back to the quest giver and talk to them through the door. This will eventually end the Runaway Son quest at long last.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.