Nier Replicant Not Detecting Keyboard or Controller, White Loading Screen Bug
Lot of people are having trouble with Nier Replicant PC version not detecting their keyboard or controller and having a white screen bug. PC version on Steam has mixed reviews at the moment because of technical issues mostly. Players on PC are used to having ot fix strange bugs because every system is different. The community has come up with some solutions. We’ve gathered all the information we could. Hopefully some of these will help if you are having problems with your keyboard and controller not working properly in Nier Replicant. We also have some tips for the White screen bug as well.

Nier Replicant Keyboard or Controller Not Working Bug Solution
People are reporting that Keyboard does not work in Nier Replicant once you start the game proper. It works in menus, but not in the game. On the other hand the controller does not get detected although it is plugged in and works in other games. Seems that the game disables keyboard input if the controller is plugged in, but then it disables the controller as well for some wierd reason. Here are some solutions people found.
#1 Start the game in fullscreen to make the controller or keyboard work. You have to start the game already in fullscreen, changing it from windowed or borderless won’t enable the controller. Next, you need to change to fullscreen and restart the game. Another thing you can try is enabling Steam big picture and then starting in full screen. This made the Xbox controller work.
#2 Second most popular solution is to plug in your controller after you start the game. If you start the game with the controller already connected it might not work. Unplug it and then launch the game and connect it back up. This will also solve your character always blocking bug with the controller.
#3 Disable steam input for the game to make your keyboard work. Right click on the game in steam and click on Properties -> Controller and choose Disable Steam Input from the drop down.
Other solutions mention that you should unplug all other usb inputs except your keyboard for it to work. You can do this while in-game and it should switch to the keyboard automatically. Launching in fullscreen helps most of the time for keyboard and plugging in the controller after you start the game makes it work most consistently.
Nier Replicant White Loading Screen Bug Solution
Some people have trouble starting Nier Replicant. Loading takes way too long and the screen is white. Several solutions have been found and here are some for you to try.
- Re-validate your game files to see if some files need fixing.
- If you have multiple monitors this might be a problem. One user unplugged the second monitor and got the game working in windowed mode on the primary monitor. Turned off the game and plugged the 2nd monitor back in. Started the game and moved it over to the second monitor and changed to borderless. This fixed the white screen loading problem.
- Some users changed their screen refresh rate to 60 hz or limited the fps to 60 in drivers and that made it work. Go to your Windows Settings -> Display -> Advanced Display Settings and set your refresh rate to 60hz.
We hope Square Enix fixes these problems with a speedy patch. If you found any additional solutions please feel free to share them with others in the comments bellow.
Disabling steam input solved my problem