NieR Replicant Aerie Chief Location
The Aerie is a village you’ll visit several times in Nier Replicant, but the first time you go there you have to find the Aerie Chief and ask if he needs help. For most of you this will also be the target of the Fragile Delivery side quest. Aerie is built all upon the cliffs and getting to the chief’s house might take some exploring. Cylindrical houses that all look the same and shades spawning everywhere make things even more difficult. We’ll help you locate Aerie Chief in Nier Replicant and give a few tips for subsequent visits.

Where To Find The Aerie Chief in NieR Replicant?
NieR Replicant Aerie chief is inside the only gold painted house in the village. It is high above the ground level and you need to cross several bridges and climb some ladders to get there. Entrance into Aerie is in the westernmost point of Northern Plains. Go through the tunnel until you reach the save point. Short cinematic should showcase Aerie village the first time you reach it. From the save point run across the wooden bridge and platforms. and then turn right and you should climb the first ladder you see on your left. Once up, go left and around the two little metal huts to the bridge taking you across the chasm. There are many small shades you need to defeat. Cross the wooden bridge and then turn right and climb the ladder. The golden house you see is the NieR Replicant Aerie Chief’s hut.
Getting the fragile package to Aerie Chief
The first time you are sent to Aerie you might pick up the Fragile Delivery quest. You probably won’t make the delivery the first time because the package breaks each time you are hit or use your weapon or dodge. Go to Aerie not worrying about the package breaking. Visit the chief. Go back towards Northern Plains and you will meet Kainé and do a boss fight. Exit to Norther Plains and defeat the Wild boar nearby to complete the Boar Hunt quest. Complete the boar quest back in the village and return to Northern plains. On your way pick up the fragile package again from the guard at the gate. Use the, now available, boar mount to ride across Northern Plains all the way to Aerie. There will be no small shades on the bridges if you finished main quest with Kainé. Just repeat the route to Nier Replicant Aerie Chief hut described above and deliver the fragile package.