Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Announced for Late 2018
Ubisoft has just announced that Massive Entertainment is working on Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. From the outside, it may have seemed like the first game crashed and burned on release, but the developers kept coming back, adding stuff and fixing problematic aspects of it. In the end, quite a few people kept playing it daily, and obviously someone thought there was a market for a sequel.

The game is going to be released at some point in 2018, presumably during the holiday season. They’re going to show it off at this year’s E3, which takes place in June. Here’s what Julian Gerighty, creative director at Massive Entertainment, had to say about the new game:
We’re thrilled to announce that we are working on Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, and that development will be led by Massive Entertainment in collaboration with Ubisoft Reflections, Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Annecy, Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Bucharest. The Division 2 will be powered by an updated version of the Snowdrop engine that enables us to realize our ambitions for the sequel, but more importantly, we’re also taking everything we learned over the past two years and applying it towards the sequel to make sure we get it right.
See, they’re going to make sure they get it right this time. Hopefully on release, not after two years of constant patching. While we’re on the subject of patching, what we’ll now refer to as “the old game” is getting some new stuff in a couple of months. They’re going to insert new achievements, called Shields. Unlocking these will earn you some sweet, sweet loot for the second game. They’re supposed to be added in update 1.8.2, which is planned for release in June.
And that’s pretty much it for now. No fancy screenshots, no trailers, no details. Just the fact that they’re working on it, and have been for quite some time.