Super Mario Odyssey Musical Live-Action Trailer Released
A new musical live-action trailer for Super Mario Odyssey is out. It features our hero appearing in the real world, doing his thing and dancing with backup dancers down the city streets. All the while, the song Jump Up, Super Star is playing in the background.

Nintendo has released a new trailer for Super Mario Odyssey. It’s a fun little musical video, set to the song Jump Up, Super Star. If you’ve been following the new Mario game, you’ll know the song already. The video itself shows Mario popping up in the real world, dancing, jumping around and using his hat to “possess” people, animals and objects. All the while, an increasing crowd of dancers merrily follows him down the street. Our readers that are a little older might be reminded of the street-dancing scene from The Mask. Near the end, the video transitions into snippets of gameplay footage. That segment shows off several different locations, and Mario using his hat to take over various creatures in the game. Including, of course, the T.Rex. Never forget the T.Rex!
As some comments have pointed out, beneath all the cuteness and upbeat jazz, there’s some inherent creepiness to the trailer. People have already joked about the New York levels that we’ve seen in the promo material thus far; specifically, how unsettling Mario looks like next to lifelike people. Well, the live-action trailer cranks that up to eleven. While we’re in the classic, cartoonish worlds, it’s fine. When Mario starts possessing real people (and a poor bulldog), though, things get kinda weird. Oh, well.
Super Mario Odyssey launches on Friday, October 27th, 2017. Naturally, as a Nintendo first-party game, you’ll only be able to pick it up on the Switch. As for the Jump Up, Super Star musical trailer, you can check it out in full below.