Steam Summer Sale Start Date Leaked by PayPal
As has become customary, PayPal has revealed the starting date of the Steam Summer Sale on their Twitter. The festivities begin on June 22nd at 6 PM BST, aka 1 PM ET. Valve has since confirmed that the Steam Summer Sale will indeed kick off at that date. Prepare your wallets.

It’s that time of the year again. The time when gamer wallets cry out for mercy, but the cruel, uncaring god of Steam turns his head. Yes, we’re at the threshold of yet another Steam Summer Sale. The kick-off date has once again been revealed by PayPal on their Twitter. Them leaking Steam sale dates has become a time-honored tradition ever since winter 2015. The tweet went up on June 20th, and not long afterwards, a Valve rep confirmed the news, according to PC Gamer.
Incidentally, the tweet came from PayPal UK. They’re offering a further discount of £5 to their users for any purchase above £20. The offer is good until July 5th, which may or may not be the end date of this year’s Steam Summer Sale. So far, there’s been no information about whether this discount will be available across more regions.
As of now, Valve hasn’t announced which games will feature in the sale. During the Winter Sale last year, we saw significant discounts to major titles of 2016, such as Doom and Stardew Valley. There’s no doubt that the Summer Sale will be even more plentiful. One thing’s for sure, all of us will take part. Every single one of us will buy at least one game that they’ll end up never playing because hey, it was only a buck! Such is the grim fate of PC players and their wallets come the end of June. Prepare to kiss your sweet money goodbye, folks.