Starpoint Gemini 3 Officially Announced by LGM Games
Little Green Men Games, the developer behind the Starpoint Gemini series, have announced a new game in the series. Yes, indeed, Starpoint Gemini 3 is coming out in 2019. We don’t know exactly when yet, but we’ll be sure to let you know when it’s revealed. In the upcoming Starpoint Gemini sequel, you’ll take on the role of Captain Johnathan Bold, setting your course for the stars, and seeing what you can find in the great unknown.

All of you that like open-world space action single-player RPGs, as this game describes it, you might want to have a look at Starpoint Gemini 3. This is the new game from the developers of the Starpoint Gemini series, Little Green Man Games. Starpoint Gemini 3 doesn’t have a set release date just yet, but we do know that it’s coming out some time this year. In the game, you’ll play as Captain Johnathan Bold (yes, really), exploring the Universe and following adventure wherever it may take you. You’ll visit many planetary systems; “from pubs with shady clientele to high-tech facilities and noisy, glitzy nightclubs,” as the press release puts it. You won’t be alone in it, either: you’ll have your ship’s AI ADAH to keep you company, and even help you out by piloting the ship’s drone.
The devs have also listed off a number of the games selling points, and they are as follows:
- Adrenaline-packed dogfighting combat
- Brand new tri-system universe layout
- Immersive gameplay and an absorbing storyline with a copious quantity of encounter quests, characters and activities
- Detailed visitable interiors
- New out-of-ship drone control and exploration of space structures
- Rich, versatile free-roam content
- Modular ship upgrading system
So, there you have it, folks. If Starpoint Gemini 3 sounds interesting to you, check out their Steam page for more info. I’m not a huge fan of the genre myself, but if you are, then this game might be right up your alley. Also, check out the video embedded below for a small taste of what Starpoint Gemini 3 is going to have to offer.