Shroomie Shenanigans Cookie Run Kingdom April Fools 2022
The Cookie Run Kingdom April Fools 2022 event is here! Called Shroomie Shenanigans, in this event we will complete various tasks to turn our beloved cookies into humans! Here’s everything you need to know about this event, including all transformations and tasks you’ll need to complete in order to get the rainbow shrooms.

Shroomie Shenanigans Cookie Run Kingdom April Fools 2022
The April Fool’s Day event in Cookie Run Kingdom has started earlier this year. For 2022, in the event called Shroomie Shenanigans, Poison Mushroom Cookie and Licorice Cookie are playing a prank on other cookies thanks to the rainbow shroomies. This mysterious new item has a rather strange effect on the cookies. When they consume them it will turn them into humans or other new forms! Each and every cookie will have a unique transformation, alongside brand-new voice lines. The new human forms vary in style – some are anime-like, others have a comic-like appearance, and so on.
In order to transform a cookie into a human form, you’ll need a rainbow shroomy. And for that, you’ll need to complete various event tasks. For each completed task you will be rewarded a shroom which you can use to “play a prank” on one of your cookies. Feed them a shroom and they’ll turn human! You’ll also receive a small reward for each of the transformations. The event will last for 15 days, until April 14th, so make sure to complete all tasks before that!
CRK April Fools 2022 Cookie All Transformations
As we’ve already mentioned, each and every cookie in the Shroomie Shenanigans event has a unique transformation. Most of them are human forms, but others have some other unique transformations. Thanks to Reddit user u/SigmaAlphaChad, we can now see some of them. We will make sure to add more forms as we reveal them! You can check all of the forms we currently know below (click on an image to enlarge it). Which one do you like the most? Tell us in the comment section!