PUBG Announces Loot Box Item Drop Rates In New Update Patch Notes
The developers of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds have revealed the drop rates of items in the Biker and Desperado crates. Some of the items are insanely rare, down to a 0.01% drop rate. The way the game plays, you’d need an average of eighty years to get one of those items, if you’re really unlucky.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds continues to conquer the world. The only country where it still hasn’t really gotten a foothold is China. This is because PUBG has loot boxes, and China has more strict regulations when it comes to those. So, maybe because of that, or for the interest of being more transparent, the developers have revealed the drop rates of loot box items; specifically, the Biker and Desperado crates, along with the patch notes from the newest update.
Some of the drop rates are insanely low, going into the second decimal. The lowest odds are for the Sleeveless Biker Jacket (Brown and Black), and the Cloth Mask (Checkered). Every one of the three items has a drop rate of 0.01%. Ars Technica did the math, and it’ll take you an average of 80 years to get one of the rarest items. This is based on the fact that you can only get six crates through earning Battle Points. Since the rarest items drop once in 10.000 crates, that’s 4.100 weeks. That’s 79 years. Of course, these items don’t affect gameplay, but still, jeez. Literally nobody has that kind of time. The best you can do is that the gods of RNG will be on your side.
As for the patch notes that came along with the drop rates, the biggest addition is the ability to report another player in Replay. For more details on the patch notes, you can check out the announcement on Steam. To learn more about how crates in PUBG work, you can check out the post on the official PUBG forum.