PS Plus rumours for April 2017: Disgaea 5 and RE Umbrella Corps
The PS Plus free games for March 2017 have been out for quite some time. The list includes Disc Jam (PS4), Tearaway Unfolded (PS4), Under Night: In-Birth (PS3), Earth Defense Force 2025 (PS3), Lumo (PS Vita, PS4), and Severed (PS Vita). Now we have some hints at what is coming in April.

Playstation Blog has already confirmed that Drawn to Death will be coming to PS Plus in April. It is a third person shooter in combination with a brawler multiplayer, an exclusive title for the PS4, featuring a hand-drawn look. The other two titles that have been mentioned are Disgaea 5 and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles.
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance is the latest installment in the Disgaea series of tactical RPGs. The games are known for their sense of humor and many references. The PS4 version came out in 2015, while the Nintendo Switch version came out in Japan following the launch of Switch, on May 3, 2017. The North American and European launch are due on May 23 and May 26, respectively. The game is currently a part of the March offer for Playstation Asia and this is a sign it might be going West next.
Umbrella Corps is a multiplayer tactical shooter that came out in 2016 for PC and PS4. It is a spin-off of the main Resident Evil series, however, it was met with unfavorable critiques. It is a tough time out there for multiplayer shooters, with the likes of Overwatch winning the popularity contests. Still, a free version of the game might gather some new players for Capcom. The game is currently free for PS Plus subscribers in Asia, which is again a sign it might be coming to USA and Europe next.
We will keep you posted on the any new developments when it comes to PS Plus free games.