PS Plus March 2020 Games are Shadow of the Colossus & Sonic Forces
Sony have revealed the March 2020 roster of free games for PS Plus subscribers, and it’s pretty interesting. The games in question are the ever-classic Shadow of the Colossus, and Sonic Forces. Those two literally could not be further apart from each other, but variety is the spice of life. Also, you’ll get a very early trial of the upcoming Predator: Hunting Grounds, so that’s fun.

Shadow of the Colossus should be a part of any gamer’s library. It’s one of the examples that everybody brings up when they defend the point that games can be art. There’s good reason for this. Back when it came out on the PlayStation 2, it was unlike anything before it. And, even today, no other game has really done what Shadow of the Colossus has. The less I say about it, the better, because I don’t want to spoil a single thing about it. If you’ve never played this game before, pick it up in March. Even if you have, still, pick it up and relive it in all its remastered glory.
As for Sonic Forces, it’s definitely one of the better modern entries in the franchise. That bar is admittedly pretty low, but still. In the game, Dr. Eggman has already conquered the world with the aid of a new villain, Infinite. So, Sonic and his army have to retake the world from their evil clutches. Arguably the biggest draw of Sonic Forces is that it lets you create your own OC in the game, and befriend the blue blur. It’s every fan fiction writer’s dream come true.
Last, but not least, PS Plus subscribers will get the chance to upcoming asymmetrical multiplayer game Predator: Hunting Grounds from March 27th to March 29th. The game comes out on April 24th, so you’ll get a sneak peek at it really, really early if you choose to opt in.