PS Plus December 2017 Free Games Include Darksiders 2
Sony has revealed the list of games you can play for free in December 2017 if you have a PS Plus subscription. There’s nothing particularly special on the list, but hey. The games on the list includes Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition, Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends, the Syberia Collection, and more.

The PlayStation Plus roster of free games has been announced. I’m sad to say, the haul isn’t anything to get overly excited about. The offer is pretty, well, bland, especially for the PlayStation 3. However, I’m sure a number of you will be able to find a little something for yourself to play for free during the holiday season.
As usual, let’s start with the free games for PlayStation 4. The version of Darksiders 2 that you can get is the Deathinitive Edition, which is the remastered version from 2015, featuring updated visuals. If you’ve never played the Darksiders series, this would be a weird point to jump on, but hey, why not? Who doesn’t want to wreak havoc as Death himself? On the other hand, Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends is basically a reskin of Smash Brothers. The only significant difference is that you get to beat up your friends as characters from Kung Fu Panda. It looks decent enough. Oh, and carrying over from November, PSVR owners can pick up Until Dawn: Rush of Blood until January 2nd.
Onward to the PlayStation 3. This December, you guys are getting the Syberia Collection, featuring Syberia 1 and 2. This is great news for all of you fans of graphic adventures. The other game you can have for free is Xblaze Lost: Memories, a heavily-stylized visual novel. Lastly, the PlayStation Vita. December 2017 offers you Wanted Corp, a top-down shooter / action game, and Forma.8, a Metroid-vania game, which is a cross-buy with the PS4.