Post-Apocalyptic Far Cry Teaser Trailer Released by Ubisoft
A new teaser trailer has been released by Ubisoft. It shows us a nuclear apocalypse taking out a typically American landscape; one that should ring very familiar to people that have completed Far Cry 5. And, indeed, whatever this ends up being, it’s a Far Cry title. Could be a new game, could be the continuation of the last Far Cry, could be both. We’ll have to wait for this year’s Game Awards.

Ubisoft is cooking up yet another Far Cry game by the looks of it, to nobody’s surprise. This time around, it seems that they’re going to be mixing up the formula a little bit. If the recently released teaser trailer is anything to go by, the next Far Cry is going to take place in a post-nuclear apocalypse setting. Far Cry pulling off Mad Max? Sure, I’m on board, even if I’m not a huge fan of Far Cry’s gameplay formula. So long as they make an interesting world to play around in, I can see that working. Just, please, let’s keep the radio towers out of this.
Now, the trailer has immediately given rise to all kinds of theories. The prevalent one is that this new Far Cry is going to be the sequel to the canonical ending of Far Cry 5. Spoiler alert for a game that launched in March, I suppose. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Far Cry 5 ends with a mad cult leader setting off a bunch of nukes. He wipes out Montana, and god knows what other places. For all we know, that might have sparked a global nuclear war. We don’t know. And, if this theory is correct, we’re gonna find out.
If the possibility of a post-apocalyptic Far Cry tickles your fancy, you’re gonna want to tune into the 2018 Game Awards at around 8:30 PM EST or 5:30 PM PST. In the meantime, you can watch the teaser trailer below.