Pokemon Unite Aegislash Leaked
Aegislash in Pokemon Unite was leaked by dataminers. The info drop suggests that the stance-changing, sword-wielding Pokemon will be arriving to Unite at some point; we don’t know when at the moment. On top of that, the leakers also revealed a number of new costumes for different Pokemon that should also be arriving soon.

Aegislash in Pokemon Unite Leaked
The addition of Aegislash in Pokemon Unite has been leaked by several dataminers, inlcuding above-mentioned ChicoEevee. Files pertaining to the unique, sword-wielding Pokemon seem to have been added in the new update that brought Trevenant to Nintendo’s MOBA. Aegislash, which made its first appearance in Pokemon X and Y, is pretty unique. Why? Because it has two stances that you can switch between, one of which is more defensive, and the other is more attack-oriented. If you’re a fan of Pokemon Unite, I’d imagine it’s gonna be interesting to see how this creature will fit into the gameplay. That’s all hinging on whether or not the leaks end up being legit. At the time of writing, the info seems pretty solid, but we’ll have to wait and see how it all pans out.
Aegislash was not the only thing leaked from Pokemon Unite. In the same info drop, we got to see various upcoming Holowear for different Pokemon. Specifically, there’s new costumes coming for Absol, Trevenant, Tsareena, Gardevoir, Zeraora, Charizard, Slowpoke, Pikachu, and others. Some of them are incredibly cute, like chef Pikachu, while others lean more into the coolness factor, like Samurai Charizard. I mean, it’s already a huge dragon, but then you put it in samurai armor? I mean, come on. Now, I have to mention again, leaks should always be taken with a grain of salt, just in case. That said, it does seem like it’s pretty real. No idea on when all this content is gonna drop, though.