Pokemon GO Gastly Spotlight Hour - Shiny Gastly October 2021
This week’s Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour brings Gastly to the forefront, and if you want a shiny Gastly in October 2021 this is your best chance. Every week, Spotlight Hour puts the focus on one of the many Pokemon. You can expect increased spawn rates and extra prizes. As part of Halloween month, October is focusing on the spooky Pokemon. Read on as we tell you how to catch a Gastly and find that shiny variant.

Gastly Spotlight Hour – Pokemon Go
October the 12th is the turn of Gastly. This ghost and poison-type is one of the original G1 Pokemon. It evolves into Haunter and Gengar.
Spotlight events occur every Tuesday. It only lasts for one hour, so you need to be quick. Every event starts at 6 pm in your local time finishing at 7 pm. In addition to increased spawn rates for Gastly, you can also claim 2 x Catch Stardust if you play during this time. Next week will be the turn of the Pokemon Gothita.
Can Gastly be Shiny Pokemon Go
Gastly has had a full community day in the past. If you missed that, this may be the best chance to catch one. Although it has been in Pokemon Go since the beginning, it can be elusive and hard to find. This could also be your best chance of finding it in shiny form.
Spotlight hour does not increase the number of shiny Pokemon per se. However, as you meet more Gastly, you will have more chance of encountering a shiny one. Make sure you stock up on Ultra Balls beforehand. Take plenty of berries, and lay lures near Pokestops to bring more Pokemon to you.
If you already have a Gastly and want a shiny, you can run away from encounters until you find the Pokemon you want. Another method is to use the fast catch trick. This allows you to skip the Pokeball capture animation. Try practicing this in advance of the Spotlight Hour as it can be tricky.