PlayStation Plus Includes Bloodborne, Service Changes to PS3 & Vita
The list of games with PlayStation Plus for March 2018 has been announced. It includes Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Mighty Number 9, and more. Additionally, Sony has announced that they’ll stop adding new games for the PS3 and Vita via PlayStation Plus in March 2019.

First off, let’s just pull off the band-aid here. PlayStation 3 and PS Vita owners, there’s some bad news for you guys. According to the announcement on PlayStation Blog, a year from now, you won’t be getting new games on PlayStation Plus. The cut-off date is March 8th, 2019. So, there’s only 12 more months left of new PlayStation Plus games. That being said, all games that you download before March 8th next year will remain playable, as long as you keep paying for PlayStation Plus. You just won’t be getting any new ones.
With that out of the way, let’s see the PlayStation Plus roster for March 2018. It’s a pretty good month for PlayStation 4. You guys are getting Bloodborne and Ratchet and Clank. Both are really great games, if polar opposites of each other. Ratchet and Clank is a colorful platformer, while Bloodborne is a pitch-black, horrifying action RPG / survival horror. Either way, both games deserve your attention.
As for PlayStation 3 and Vita, pickings are more slim. PS3 owners are getting Legend of Kay and the deservedly much-maligned Mighty Number 9. At least you can check the latter out just for kicks, to experience why so many people were angry about it for yourself. As for the Vita, you can pick up Claire: Extended Cut and Bombing Busters. Both of those games are cross-buys with the PlayStation 4. So, yeah, it’s not exactly Bloodborne, but oh well. Also, PS Plus subscribers can pick up the Dungeon Defenders PS Plus Pack for Dungeon Defenders II from March 13th to April 10th.