
Grand Theft Auto V PSN Preload from September 15th
GTA 5 PSN Preload date has been pushed to September 15th.

GTA Online Preview on Game Informer
Game Informer’s latest issue 246, reveals some additional information about GTA Online.

GTA 5 new Screenshots
The latest GTA V screenshots show off the Collector’s Edition exclusive vehicles, new outfits, Los Santos areas, and sports on Santa Maria beach

Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag Screenshots
Today, we have for you a bunch of gorgeous screenshots from Assassin’s Creed 4, showed off on Gamescom 2013.

First Gameplay Trailer Released
The first gameplay trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been released, and it looks amazing. Short and to the point, the video shows…

The Beginning Trailer Released
CD Projekt Red have released a new trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In it, several figures from the studio discuss the features of…

PlayStation 4 Day
Today is one of those great days in gaming. We can expect to see the new PlayStation gaming console revealed along with some exclusive video game titles that will launch with it
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt Announced
Witcher 3 has been announced and a teaser trailer has been released. The last game in the Witcher series will come out in 2014.
Sony Playstation 4 Teaser Trailer
Sony just released a teaser trailer that seems to be hinting at a big announcement on February 20th concerning Playstation 4.
Cyberpunk 2077 Video Trailer
CD Projekt Red treats us with an excellent video teaser for their upcoming game Cyberpunk 2077

Steam Holiday Sale
Holiday Steam Sales have begun and we have found a nice list of all the games on sale, sortable by Savings % and Sale price!